Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I'm back and getting better!

So it's been 2wks now since my hysterectomy and I'm doing well with my recovery. No major problems at all other than a pesky bladder infection that I can't seem to get rid of. The first week + was rough, the pain after surgery was difficult to control but once the nurse was able to get me comfortable we just made sure I stayed that way. I have to wonder if my fibromyalgia had something to do with not being able to get the pain under control initially.

It's been 3wks now since I've gone to the treatment center for my weekly acupuncture and adjustment but I'm feeling like I'm holding up well even without it. I'm noticing a little pain in my hips starting to return but I think due to my laying around so much and not doing a whole lot probably has something to do with that. Each day I feel a little better and am doing a little more so hopefully I'll be able to get back to my treatments and get back on track with all that.

I really don't have a lot to report with this update, just wanted to report my progress and let you know all is well on my end.

I do need to get back on track with my supplements as well - I stopped taking them the week of surgery and haven't gone back - although I really need them so I need to just get back in the swing of taking them everyday since they are part of my treatment plan and healing process.

I go in tomorrow for my 2wk post op visit and I'm sure I'll be released to drive again. I am feeling like I'm on house arrest not being able to go out anywhere on my own which has be itching to go somewhere! Funny how that works.

Until next time......

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Time goes by....way too fast!

I'm still here! Surgery is only a few short days away and I'm a little nervous. I think because I don't want to deal with the pain and recovery but I guess there is no way around it. I've got next week all planned out with help from my mom and neighbor so all should be good. Just need to get through surgery and the first few days of recovery.

I'm really hoping that this surgery is going to help me feel a lot better in many ways.

Acupuncture has been going well - I'm looking forward to a few more visits after I'm able to get around and back to driving.

My treatment for FMS/CFS has been going really well and I'm feeling really good - aside from still dealing with extra fatigue. I'm hoping that resolving this fibroid issue will help me with my fatigue. In some way at least. My acupuncturist thinks it will as I have some stagnated blood in my abdomen area according to him which would make sense with this fibroid. So we'll see - he is pretty certain I will find some extra energy once I'm all healed and back to normal routine.

I really hope this surgery doesn't send me into any kind of flare up....I have been enjoying my lack of pain in my hips so hopefully being in bed for several days won't cause me to have that to deal with in addition to my incision pain. I'm going to have to make an extra effort to get out of bed a few times a day just to make sure I'm moving a little.

I haven't really had a lot to report, everything is pretty much the same with me which can be a good thing in terms of how I feel. I am really looking forward to moving forward after this surgery and continuing to feel better and get back to myself. I should be done with my treatments shortly after the new year. I think though that I'll need to have monthly maintenance adjustments to keep me on the right track.

I'll check in next week after my surgery and let you know how I'm doing - until then, stay well!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Where do I begin.....

Things are really starting to get going in my world over here.

As I continue on my weekly treatments I also continue to notice I'm feeling much better in regards to my pain and activity level. I'm able to go days without significant pain, headaches or general aches and that's great! I really think everything I've been doing is starting to work together. I am now about to start my next phase of treatment which is acupuncture in conjunction with chiropractic adjustments. I start this coming Tuesday and am really excited. I'm really hoping this phase of my treatment will focus on my fatigue that is still a major problem.

HYSTERECTOMY.........scheduled for 11/8/11......this might come as a surprise to some however it's been on the back burner for some time. In December of 2010 my OB found a significant sized fibroid inside my uterus. While fibroids are common and generally a non issue mine is an issue. We agreed to watch it for a while to see if it would decrease in size and go away or not be a problem - well, that didn't happen. In fact, it's been a source of problems for me all year between spontaneous gushing of blood and loss of blood clots to irregular spotting and pretty regular bleeding issues. Nothing to the point of worry but definitely an issue when it comes to "quality of life".......in addition it has grown and produced other fibroids so we decided that removing my uterus would be the best way to remove the fibroid(s) for good and stop the frequent, irregular bleeding I experience. I'm not having more children so I'm done with that part of my body anyway. If all goes well, we will be leaving the ovaries in tact so I don't go immediately into menopause which is good - the emotional up and downs of that I'm not interested in right now - when my body is ready for that phase, it will go into it on it's own.

So the question that lingers in my head is how this surgery will effect my fibromyalgia - will it cause my pain to return? Will it send me into a flare? I'm a little concerned about it however I need this surgery, so I'm going to stay positive and hopeful that the only pain I will experience will be from the incision - the expected recovery is 4-6wks as it will be done through my abdomen going through my previous C-section incision. So while laying in bed for a week initially - I'm sure I'll have some residual hip pain from lack of movement initially.

So that's it for now - over the next 4 wks leading up to my surgery I have a lot to get done - I'll be getting acupuncture each week and I need to get the house cleaned, laundry caught up, my parties and work surrounding that all done and caught up. I would like to be able to go into this surgery knowing I don't have things lingering that I should of done....that will be waiting for me to do.......I would like to know that my family won't have any extra work to tend to and that I can just relax and recover without the added stress. So for the next 4 wks I'll be busy focusing on my house, my work and getting everything I seem to put off, DONE.........."There is always tomorrow" however for me, tomorrow isn't going to be an option after Nov 7th. Tomorrow will be a day of rest and recovery for a few weeks following that day.

So all in all I'm doing well - continuing to my mission to fix me in 2010 - my upcoming surgery is just another step towards the goal....2011 is going to be my year to come back from Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and this surgery......in the end it will have been 16 months of searching.......trial and errors......treatments.......pills......supplements......experiments and finally in the end....I will overcome the holds of this condition - although I know I'll have to live with it the rest of my life - I know I will have it under control and will get my life back.........will live without debilitating pain and fatigue and will live out the rest of my life trying to help others who suffer...find their way to a pain free and medication/drug free life.....that is my plan anyway! I'm proof that you don't need to have a pharmacy in your cabinet to be rid of your pain........aches and other issues that come with Fibromyalgia. Of course some people might need all those things - but unless they have tried without them, they won't know. I've got a pretty good list of supplements that are working for me, and I'm sure they'll work for others as well.

Until next time - stay well, stay healthy and life your life!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Can it really be happening finally?

I am almost afraid to say it because I'm afraid I'll have to turn around and take it back....but here it goes.......I'm feeling really good! THERE, I SAID IT, I DID IT....and I'M NOT WILLING TO TAKE IT BACK! It's out there, it's real and it's going to continue!

I really think the treatments I've been religiously going through and the various supplements I've been taking are finally starting to work to combat my Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue. I'm feeling less and less of the fatigue that has been such an issue and I'm noticing my pain and other symptoms are beginning to become less and less as each day passes.

I've had several people ask me what my treatments are so I'm going to list them here, again. Now if you are someone who suffers from the all over body pain of Fibromyalgia you might sit there and say "oh this won't work for me, I hurt too bad to allow anyone to touch me" however, don't discount the effects of these treatments - I'm no different than you, I too have widespread body pain that at times it is unbearable to think of someone touching me.....but, if you stick it out you will see how it does help to release the tied up muscles and tissues that are causing you all the pain to begin with.

My treatments are being done at a Dr office in Colorado that specializes in Fibromyalgia care - it is a back and spine center that has a special program specifically for treating Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue. They are of the belief that treatment should go in graduated phases and are not ones to try to cover up the problem, but rather work with the patient and their individual stage of the conditions and offer treatments to help them overcome those symptoms gradually and over time. In addition they also review your nutritional needs and only do what you can handle them doing, nothing more, nothing less.

So for me I go 1x a week for 20 wks. The first 5 weeks was Phase 1 - this consisted of 1hr theraputic massage, trigger point injection and an adjustment.........the trigger point injection helped with any pain I might have had after the massage...and it did eliminate the pain I would normally experience. At times the massage was painful, yes, however, it was a necessary pain to get through.

Phase 2 (which I'm currently in) also lasts 5wks - consisting of soft tissue massage which is more of an interactive massage where I have to do movements along with the massage to stretch the tissue and muscles along with the massage being done.....whereas the theraputic massage was just massage with me laying there......then an adjustment after.

Phase 3 (5wks) - accupuncture and adjustment
Phase 4 (5wks) - physical therapy and adjustment

I'm at the end of phase 2 with 2 more treatments left and am just in the last week really noticing some changes in the level of pain and frequency of pain I am having - also with less fatigue than I've been use to.

Supplements I've been taking for the past 2 months haven't changed (you can read back a few entries in my blog as to what I've been taking) I did literally today just add an Omega 3 fish oil and probiotic.

Now let me say when I first started with this Fibromyalgia center I was extremely cautious with my expectations and honestly didn't think that massage and adjustments would miraculously "cure" me - nor do I think now that it's a "cure" but rather a way to release the cycle my body has been stuck in.......the vicious cycle of pain.

I'm really excited that half way through my 20wk treatment plan I'm noticing some positive changes and am really looking forward to my next phase with the acupuncture. Acupuncture has been one thing that I've read about many times that has been something a lot of people say has helped them feel better where both pain and fatigue are concerned. I can't wait to see how it helps me to continue to feel better and find new levels of energy and get back to the life I've missed out on this past year.

If anyone wants more information please feel free to ask - I've done a ton of research and continue to research this condition as it's something I'll be dealing with forever....but I do believe that there are effective treatments available that when done consistently can help put you into remission and get you back to living a normal life full of activity and pain free. That's my goal.

Now I also fully expect that there will still be times that I don't feel well, that I have a flare up, that I'm extra tired and all that jazz that comes along with this relentless condition - but I also think that having it under control will help me get past those days and back to feeling better. You must listen to your body, rest when you feel you need to rest and not overdo it.......listen to your body and what it needs.

Monday, August 29, 2011


It wasn't until December of 2010 that I really knew what this was myself...unfortunately I am well aware of it since I have it...I live with it daily.

I found these two videos to be the best in helping someone who doesn't have to deal with Fibromyalgia or CFS understand just what a day in the life of someone who does is like - they are short and to the point....they cover it really well - I can honestly say that the symptoms outlined in these videos are very true and that I've experienced them all at one time or another, sometimes several all at once but deal with some kind of pain or fatigue daily to some degree.

If you know or love someone who has to deal with this terrible condition, please take a few moments to watch these videos and try to understand them and what they are dealing with better. Although they might look just fine on the outside, which many of us do - we aren't ok...not in the least bit.

Just take a moment and try to imagine yourself in their shoes........

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Information overload! Where do I put it....here, that's where!

So much information is available out there on our "information highway" that it's become a bit of an overload on my brain! I can only focus on so much at one time and with all the research I've done over the past year I am finding that I am either reading the same things, just on different sites and/or finding one good bit of information on things then another site to contradict what I just read. I'm glad to be able to find information as well as information that challenges it but it starts to become blurry and confusing after a while.....frustration set in this past week as I've been looking at going "gluten-free" and dabbling with it - it's not as easy as I had thought it would be.

It turns out that really eating "gluten-free" requires the desire to cook, the desire to spend the extra money on the grocery bill and the need to know that it really does make a difference.......as of right now I don't want to cook, I don't have the desire to spend our money on these specialty products that may or may not help me feel better. I was shocked when I saw the prices of "gluten-free" bread......among other things it's not a cheap venture. So, with that, I guess it won't be a huge shock to anyone that I haven't given up gluten in my food although I am more aware of it and what I'm putting into my body.

On another note, it's now been 30 days since starting all the supplements I had talked about in July. So far I'm not really feeling a major impact from them, but I do know it takes a while to build them up in the body, so I'm not going to give up on it. I'm sure they are doing great things for me. I've made a little bit of an adjustment to what supplements I'm taking and currently. In addition to the supplements discussed back in my July posting I am taking the following on a daily basis as well:

*bee pollen (in the loose form) - if you have never heard about the benefits of bee pollen you really need to check it out! I just picked some up at the Vitamin Cottage yesterday and had my first dose today. I'm all about giving it a shot. Bee pollen has been called "natures perfect food" among other things. After reading about it I was eager to add it to my daily supplements. I believe the loose form is best as it can loose some of it's fundamental goodness through processing and manufacturing - make sure you read about it before you go out and buy a bottle of pills or something that could just be a waste of your money....know what you are looking for and getting!

*Adrenal Stress End - This supplement supports your adrenals and helps them function better - I believe part of all the madness is also adrenal stress so this addition is necessary in order to stop the cycle - this one supplement also includes 150mg Vit C, 50mg B6, 100mg Pantothenic Acid (AKA B5), 400mg Adrenal Polypeptide Fractions, 250mg Betaine (helps with digestion), 250mg L-Tyrosine (one of the 20 amino acids that are used by cells to synthesize proteins), 200mg Licorice (among it's many health benefits, licorice has gained a reputation for strengthening the body during times of stress) and 35 mg Adrenal cortex extract (helps to repair adrenal function).

*Metabolic Advantage - I added this one since I firmly believe I have thyroid problems even though my Endo Dr says otherwise - due to the nodules I have and the indicators/symptoms of hypothyroidism I'm certain this is going to be a beneficial supplement for me. This thyroid support supplement that also incorporates 100mg B12, 200mg Iodine, 200mg Magnesium, 6mg Zinc, 300mg cooper, 2.3mg manganese, 248mg L-Tyrosine...both link enclosures have great information for you to explore further.

*Turmeric - I just learned about this spice used as a supplement this week and it's another one that I was eager to get on board with. The benefits of taking this daily are great! Although nothing is scientifically "proven" the responses from people who have taken it are good. When I first went looking for this in the vitamin section I found that the entire row was gone, so people are definitely using it as supplement for health.

*DHEA - 25mg - my PCP had told me to take this a year or two ago for help with the, um, shall we say lowered libido, to which I did purchase it and take it temporarily - I found it in my cabinet so figured I would add it to the list since it does have benefits for people with FMS/CFS according to sources I've read - I can recall where I had seen it listed however, I did see it enough in my reading that I decided it was worth trying again.

So all in all I'm taking 10 pills in the morning, 2 in the afternoon and 2 in the evening - that's the ideal situation - in reality, I take my morning 10, my dose of bee pollen and usually forget the later day doses which are the additional NAC and L-glutamine doses I should take. I am working on remembering to take those though...it's all a process of getting use to taking so many pills throughout the day.

I'm still having a nice big glass of fresh juice every morning as well.

The past 2 weeks I have missed my treatments due to one thing or another - last week was because I was too sick to go and this week because I had to take the kids to the Dr which just so happened to be during my appt time. Due to the fact that my appointments take all day to and from I had to cancel and of course they were booked solid the rest of the week so I couldn't re-schedule. I do however, have my next one this coming up Monday that, as of now is a go.

The one question that is burning in everyone's mind and asked all the time is "Is all of this helping you feel better?" - usually my answer is "I don't know" because honestly, it's too soon to really say either way. I can say that I am not "SICK" in the sense of having a cold, respiratory illness or anything like that, however, each day is still unknown and each day is different - when I start having multiple days of feeling great, you'll know it because I'll be shouting about it anywhere I can! I anticipate that it will take a few more months of supplements and treatments to really get to a point where my body is functioning "normally" whatever that is.

We have to remember that it has taken many years to get to the point of bodily functions failing and falling apart so it's going to take time to fix the problems that are now labeled as "fibromyalgia", "Chronic Fatigue", "adrenal stress" - how much time is not known and is going to be different for each person...but each day we are closer to being better by the things we are learning and doing!

I hope you are doing well on your life journey and finding useful information from my journey. Everyday is a new opportunity to learn more and find the right combination of nutrients, rest and activities to help make all this work to our benefit.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Gluten free, this is going to take some to get use to

So I think I spoke before I really knew what I was getting myself into. Although I understand the reasoning behind the suggestions to eliminate gluten from my diet, it's not as easy, or tasty as I thought it would or could be. I know there are a lot of people out there who swear that living a gluten free life is better for you in many ways and I've even recently read that Gluten can damage your intestines over your lifetime......in fact, I am beginning to wonder why, if gluten is so bad for you, why it's in almost everything we traditionally consume. I've also read many claims that eliminating this one thing from your diet can CURE many illnesses people suffer from! But on the flip side I've also read from others who have tried it and say they notice no difference - so which is it? I believe it's one of those things that can't be measured as an absolute or a definite....it's a personal choice and reaction for each individual.

Now, being that this is all so new to my life, after 41 yrs of eating pretty much whatever I felt like when I felt like it - I'm beginning to see that truly being "gluten free" takes a bit of planning ahead and shopping for specific things that you ordinarily don't purchase or even know exist! This road is going to be an interesting one and honestly I'm not sure where I'll end up on it. I'm not a big fan of cooking these days - especially because when it's time to cook a family meal, I'm too tired 9x out of 10 to cook and end up choosing the not so healthy options or the pre-packaged options. And being that the few things I have tried that are "gluten free" are so different in both texture and taste - I just don't know - I'm not excited about it at all.

Let's take a minute to also talk about the other people in this family of mine. The other 3 in this family are pretty much meat and potatoes - all the time. My daughter does enjoy green beans and broccoli and will try SOME new things....although I think this whole gluten journey won't excite any of them. Especially when it comes to the really good things like ice cream, cookies, chips......all those things that pretty much will be eliminated from my diet if not forever, for a while. With any luck there will be some things I can replace for the entire family like pasta - the pasta I tried is good - both my husband and daughter had some and actually liked it. SO...that's one thing I think I can easily switch on everyone without any problems. Other than that....I really don't know...I guess it'll be one of those things I'll figure out as I'm going. I do know one thing though, if I try to feed them something new and it doesn't look right, they won't eat it...if they do by chance try it, and don't like it, they will be weary of the next time I put something "new" in front of them. I am not going to be cooking 2 meals either - so at some point I'll have to find the middle ground for all this.....right now I'm still in the processing, accepting and figuring out stage of it.

As you can imagine, pretty much anything that is processed is going to have gluten in it. So the majority of MY diet is going to be raw foods and other gluten free items I can find at the store. This isn't a HUGE issue except when it comes to the things I love like ice cream, brownies, cookies.....snacks and sweets is where I'm going to have the biggest problem with this .....in general I eat pretty good already with the exception of my daily indulgence of something sweet - even "sugar free" ice cream still has those blasted "aspartame" or other sugar substitute in it...so it really isn't "sugar free"......

I've been trying those "lara bars" this past week - they are OK - I tried one that was simply nasty, had to throw it out - that was the "cashew cookie" one YUCK! And I like cashews! They are pretty dense and have a very different taste - I can tolerate them but at about 11+g of fat per bar, I would much rather have a cookie or two or 10! UGH......she says with a smile as she grabs a carrot.....

Another issue I've already noticed is the price of "GLUTEN FREE" products - HOLY SHIT! A loaf of bread can put you back close to $6! Seriously...for bread?? Damn...I'm use to getting our bread for $2 or less a loaf! But that of course is the "normal" stuff everyone else can have. The only bread I really will have a problem with NOT having is french bread on nights when we have pasta - really have a problem with it - so I guess I better have a "bread substitute" in the house at $6 a loaf so when the time comes I can grab a piece and toast it and pretend I'm having a nice soft piece of french loaf that was just cooked - oh King Soopers you are not going to help me here with your daily fresh breads at the front door......

I'm planning on taking a "field trip" this upcoming week to my local Whole Foods store to investigate more options for "gluten free". I've also subscribed to a couple blogs that are all about Gluten free living with recipes and such. I've already noticed most of the recipes don't really excite me or even sound like things I would ever consider making and feeding to my family but I'm hopeful that I will find some things that I can sneak in and substitute for us all - I did find a few recipes for cookies that LOOK good, but the true test is in how they taste....we are a family that loves our sweets......for me eliminating gluten, refined sugar and sugar additives is definitely going to be one of the harder things I've had to do.....in fact I'm not sure I can 100%...this is worse than any addiction that someone has to get past.....being that it's been a 41 yr addiction I just don't know HOW I'm ever going to get away from sugar or sugar substitutions........one day at a time I guess! Shoot it's not like you can just say "ok, I quit gluten and sugar" because it's everywhere you turn......everywhere!

So in case you can't tell, I'm frustrated but hopefully will have a great update for you all once I go on my field trip this week and see what all is out there in this gluten free world I'm trying to enter into.......it's definitely not an overnight adjustment that's for sure!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Nutrition, diet change, schedule change.......change, change, change

So here we are, a little over half of the year is gone in the dust and what do any of us have to show for it? I know for me I have made some progression in my quest to find answers to my health woes and feel that I'm on the right track to getting back to feeling good - now if only I could find the major energy zapper within me and eliminate it I think I'd be in pretty good shape overall!

This past week I've been free of headaches which has been a blessing. I hate the headaches I've been dealing with and am pretty certain between the massages I've been getting and the chiropractic adjustments they are starting to give me the relief I'm after. Well, that and the multitude of vitamins I'm pushing into my body are starting to build up to have their own effect on me as well.

I am finding some short bursts of energy on occasion, not as often or regularly as I would like but hey, I'll take what I can get when I get it...it's not enough to sustain me all day most of the time but enough to push me through when I need to push. This weekend was the first weekend in MONTHS that I actually had the MOTIVATION AND ENERGY to do the things that a "normal" person can do everyday...it was nice to be out and about without wishing I was in bed or that it was time to go.

(Monday 8/8) I had my 5th and final (for now) massage. It still hurts like a bitch but I think I'm actually going to miss the massages. Starting next week I will be moving into Phase 2 of my treatment which is a more active phase and will start with Soft Tissue work as well as continue with the adjustments. The Dr told me if I find the soft tissue work doesn't help as much as the massage I can go back to massage if I want so there is some flexibility with the treatments. I'm actually looking forward to the Acupuncture part of my treatment which will come in about a month - I'm ready to do it and see what kind of relief it offers. I've heard so many great things about it in helping with CFS and Fibromyalgia pain.

Juicing has been going well - I've been doing it faithfully every morning since starting back up. This past week I've been having what's called "Morning Energizer" - this is made with 1 peeled lemon, 1 peeled cucumber, 4 carrots, 1 in. of ginger root and 1/2 to 1 small beet (include 2 stems and leaves) - it makes a nice kind of mildly spicy drink. If you have never had beet juice, it's a bit earthy tasting, but not bad with the other ingredients all together - too much beet and it's kind of rough going down so if you try to make this, make sure you use only 1/2 of a small beet until you get use to how fresh beet juice tastes. It doesn't bother me but I do try to drink it quickly so I don't have to taste the beet for very long.

I had my nutrition counseling today (8/8) at my appointment. The Dr said I am already doing pretty good with the juicing and with what I normally am eating. She made some suggestions for me to work on such as eating a small handful of baby carrots or an apple before a meal with some water. Also to make sure I'm eating something healthy every 2-3 hrs. She explained it to me in terms of giving my pancreas a "treat" by eating something little and often so my body doesn't have to #1 work hard at processing larger meals that are spread out over longer periods and #2 so my body stops holding onto everything I put into it. She said that part of the problem a lot of people with these conditions face is that their body is always working in a "stress" mode or the "fight or flight" mode so the body is afraid to burn or use up fats, calories and nutrients since it doesn't know when it will get more. Instead the body stores these things making it very difficult to get energy and nutrients from the food we eat. She said our goal is to "re-boot" my system so that it will start to better process the things I eat and with that I will see my weight also change for the better. You see, I've always had trouble with my weight - not wanting to fall off! No matter what I do it seems to just hang on - she explained to me that because I tend to not eat on regular 2-3 hr basis my body won't use what it needs to use for energy, fuel and nutrients and thus I will gain more than I'll ever loose in this cycle, even when trying to drop weight.....and I won't have the necessary energy I need to do the things a healthy woman of my age should be able to do....it's a vicious cycle that needs to be broken. Hopefully by doing this, my body will start using up the things I put into it instead of storing it all away for later use.

So my next challenge is to eat something, not a lot, but something every few hours, eliminate as much sugar, artificial sweeteners, dairy, wheat flour and gluten from my diet as I can. I've already purchased a couple things she suggested and am going to give it my best shot at trying to change my diet even further than I already have. I've been watching my sugar intake for many months now, it's been really hard especially for this ice cream and sweets loving girl! I will never 100% eliminate those indulgences from my diet, however definitely choose the lower or no sugar versions when I can and try not to have it except maybe on the weekends or just on a special occasion.

Some suggestions she made are:

*use corn based/gluten free pasta instead of the normal wheat/flour based - pasta is one of those things that can really taste terrible in other forms I think - but I did try it last night and it is actually just fine, tastes pretty much the same with a good sauce on it. The new pasta I'll be using is Quinoa - it's gluten free and corn based, give it a try, I bet you'll like it! The link I've included above has all the products and tons of recipes for using them......I'm excited to try some on my family and see if this is something I can make for them as well without a lot of fussing from them about it.....I bet I can since it tastes good.

*Lara Bars - these too are gluten free and come in many different flavors. I tried one as a snack, they aren't bad and have a pretty good taste to them. I can easily make that addition to my diet so I'll start having those as a snack option.

*Add an Omega3 vitamin to my daily vitamin intake: She recommended the one I linked to as being the best that she has tried - being that I'm not a fish lover, or even eat any fish, those that are fishy or have a fishy taste will turn me off and won't get in my body. In fact she pointed out that any that smell or taste fishy are because it has gone bad.....SOOOO, getting one that is in it's natural trigliceride form is what she suggested.

*Add a Probiotic daily - 12 billion per day/adult 8 strain - she recommended a specific brand but I'll just be sure to grab one that falls into the 12 billion per day category.

*Instead of milk, use unsweetened coconut milk when I find the need to use or drink milk. I'm not a big milk drinker, especially since watching my sugar intake so I already stopped drinking milk months ago other than what I have used in my smoothies which has been a lower sugar, lower calorie version. I purchased some of the coconut milk and it's not bad at all, so this is another easy one to work right into the plan. Cheese and plain yogurt are also ok to have as snacks in small amounts.

So overall I'm already on a good path to changing my diet and will work on the above suggestions to further refine my diet and nutritional intake to help with this process of re-booting my body and helping it work the way it should. This is a 6wk plan and after the 6 wks I can try to reintroduce things into my diet to see how they make me feel - such as gluten. However, if I find things that are gluten free and will work for the family as well, there is really no need to re-introduce it to our diets. I'll have to play it all by ear and see how the next 6wks of changes go.

So I need to make a trip to the vitamin cottage to pick up the additional supplements that she wants me to start taking - these two would be something I should plan on taking for the rest of my life as they are essential to have.

I really need to start looking for a cheaper way to get all the vitamins I'm taking. At the point I'm at now, this is about $100 a month extra for all the vitamins I NEED.

Until next time!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Back to juicing, vitamin intake and detox....fun times

I suspected when I started my new vitamin regime I would have a few days of headache and general crappy feeling as my body takes in the good and lets out the bad.....I've done it before so I knew to expect it. While I was hoping it wouldn't happen it is. Today is day 2 of my new vitamin intake and of going back to juicing. I'm not juicing like I did previously, just drinking a green juice 2x a day (8oz each time) to increase the vitamins in my body.

Today I woke up with a headache that continues to increase in it's volume every little bit. It's not unbearable as of now, but definitely making me aware of it's presence. This should only last a couple days until my body levels off and gets rid of any crap. I also notice that my allergies are acting up today too - lots of sneezing and my sinuses are draining - I attribute it to the detox. In fact, one of the supplements I'm taking causes release of excess mucus, so I can safely say that's what's causing the excess of sneezing and sinus drainage. It's pretty cool when you know what things are happening, and reinforces the necessity of taking the supplement.

Other than that I am doing ok. Just going to take it easy until this subsides - today will be a great day to catch up on movies, emails and just rest it out. I hate going through this but as we all know I'm no stranger to feeling like crap and if this is what I need to go through to get on the other side and on the road to being better, then so be it....in the end it'll be worth it for sure.

I ended up having to get a few different combinations of vitamins but after all is said and done I'm taking what my body is lacking and what I need to function properly. My current list of daily vitamins is:
Antioxidant formula 2 a day
This is giving me 25,000 IU Vitamin A, 500mg Vit C, 400 IU Vit E, 350 mg B2, 15 mg zinc, 200mg Selenium, 2mg cooper....

L Glutamine 1000 mg 3x daily
This Serves as a source of fuel for cells lining the intestines; It's involved in more metabolic processes than any other amino acid. Glutamine can pass through the protective blood-brain barrier and, because of this, it is known as brain fuel. It Aids in protecting the body from ammonia toxicity; It appears to be necessary for normal brain function; it's essential for maintaining amino acid balance in the body during times of severe stress; It's used by white blood cells and contributes to normal immune-system function.

N AcetylCysteine (NAC) 600 mg 3x daily
N-Acetyl Cysteine is rapidly metabolized to intracellular glutathione. Glutathione acts as a powerful antioxidant in the body. Glutathione also detoxifies chemicals into less harmful compounds. Glutathione is known to aid in the transport of nutrients to lymphocytes and phagocytes, two major classes of immune cells, and to protect cell membranes. While purified glutathione is available as a dietary supplement, absorption is low, N-Acetyl Cysteine is thought to be a better method of boosting cellular glutathione levels. N-Acetyl Cysteine is currently being investigated as a treatment for AIDS. It breaks up mucus; N-Acetyl Cysteine at a dosage of 1,200 mg per day helps to prevent Influenza, reduces the symptoms of existing Influenza and reduces the duration of Influenza. Its action as an antioxidant and a glutathione precursor may also contribute to a protective effect against cancer.

COQ10 150mg daily
COQ10 can help you combat fatigue, as well as obesity, and a weak immune system. Several studies with small numbers of people suggest that CoQ10 may lower blood pressure after a few weeks. CoQ10 and vitamin E together are the principle fat-soluable antioxidants in cells, and CoQ10 may help vitamin E act more effectively in the body. CoQ10 has the potential to vastly improve human health and it's most valuable role may be in fighting heart disease.

Alpha Lipoic Acid 200 mg daily
Interestingly enough, Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is characterized by persistent and relapsing fatigue, often accompanied by numerous symptoms involving various body systems. Little is known about the cause of this disease; however, recent studies have shown that there may be a connection between CFS and free radicals in the body. This would suggest the use of antioxidants in the management of CFS. Clinicians in Canada concluded that anti-oxidant supplements such as glutathione, N-acetylcysteine, alpha-lipoic acid, oligomeric proanthocyanidins, Ginkgo biloba, and Vaccinium myrtillus may be beneficial in the treatment of CFS. Alpha lipoic acid is an extremely important antioxidant that destroys many of the free-radicals that are harmful to the human body. Lipoic acid is both water and fat soluble. This is beneficial in countering many different forms of oxidative stress and cellular damage in any part of a cell. Thereby, it can reduce the oxidative stress in the body while recycling the effectiveness of other antioxidants such as vitamin C, E and glutathione. Vitamin C and glutathione can be regenerated through reaction with alpha lipoic acid.
*Alpha Lipoic Acid has many benefits including fighting aging/wrinkles, reducing complications associated with diabetes, treatment for MS, helps revive loss of olfactory senses (sense of smell) as well as many other things - this is one powerful antioxidant!

In addition to these supplements I am also continuing to take Magnesium, Acetyl L Carnitine and Kelp - these are supplements I had already been taking and had documented early on when I started this blog.

I also started drinking the Dr Oz Green drink - which is made up of Lemon, Celery, Parsley, apples, spinach, cucumber and ginger root. This fresh juice is packed full of naturally occurring vitamins, antioxidants and live enzymes. The spinach alone provides an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin A, magnesium, folate, manganese, iron, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin B2, potassium, and vitamin B6. It’s a very good source of protein, phosphorus, vitamin E, zinc, dietary fiber, and copper. Plus, it’s a good source of selenium, niacin, and omega-3 fatty acids. The other ingredients also have great vitamins and beneficial nutrients that by drinking them raw are digested faster into the bodies cells. It's something I've been wanting to get back to doing so I figured as long as I'm taking all these other supplements I might as well add some fresh juice to the mix. I'm drinking 8oz in the morning and again in the afternoon. It provides a nice burst of energy as well.

I've always seen people who take tons of vitamins each day and wondered to myself why someone would have to take so many supplements, often times they are referred to as "health freaks" - now I'm one of them and as I continue on my mission to get my health back, I'm learning more and more about how a life with a lack of the right amount of good things incorporated into your diet will lead to where I am today. It takes a long time to get here and will certainly take some time to repair. The good news is that it is reversible at this point and with the knowledge I'm gaining I can aid in helping my children incorporate the right things into their lifestyle so they don't have to go through life feeling sick, getting sick and dealing with adult health issues. Simply adding 1 daily multiple vitamin could be enough to prevent serious problems later in life. Maybe this is where I'm meant to be for the reasons of learning first hand how our lifestyle really does effect our health or lack of health. Maybe this course my life has taken will lead me to helping even more people learn how to take charge of their health, prevent illness and life a healthy life. I'm learning that "being healthy" doesn't have to mean not having fun or eating the foods we've come accustomed to like - it means having these things in moderation while making sure to incorporate the essential things for life, living food, enzymes and the proper amounts of vitamins and minerals to keep our bodies functioning at optimal performance.

Through all this research I am really learning that there is a balance to it all - finding the right balance is the key to living a full healthy life - if you are one that doesn't take any extra vitamins I strongly urge you to consider even just a daily multiple vitamin to assist your body in being it's best. Of course, anything more than that should be discussed with a Dr as each of us is different and our needs are different.

To your health!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Test results are in and OMG.......

Well I got the test results from the blood work that was done at the end of June at my first appointment with the Fibromyalgia Center. This was the blood test that would look in my white blood cells to determine any nutrient deficiencies I might have. Well, I have some alright. The Dr said that she has only seen 1 other person have a test result this bad......So once again I score an A+ in the test department, on a test that you don't want an A+ on!

Out of 7 antioxidants tested, I am deficient in 5 of them. Antioxidants are what helps prevent cancer and keeps us healthy - they help fight free radicals and oxidation of our cells.......so no wonder I'm always picking up every illness I can find! My body can't fight them! My overall antioxidant function is at a whooping 37% - optimal function is at or above 65%.........

The blood work came back showing me deficient in the following nutrients:

*Glutamine - I will need to supplement with 3000 mg daily - 1000 mg 3x a day for the next 4-6 months - to learn more about the role of this Amino Acid CLICK HERE

*Glutathione - I will need to supplement with 600 mg 3x daily (1800 mg daily) of N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) for the next 4-6 months at least. This is a really important one as without it, we die! CLICK HERE for an interesting article on the role of this "super antioxidant"

*Vitamin E - 800 IU daily - CLICK HERE to read about the role of Vitamin E

*Selenium - 200 MCG daily - CLICK HERE to see why this antioxidant is important to our bodies

*Coenzyme Q10 - 150 mg daily - CLICK HERE to read about this and why it's important for your health

*Lipoic Acid - 200 mg daily supplement - CLICK HERE to read more about this antioxidant and what it does

After doing the research on these and reading all about them and the importance of them for health, I wonder why I don't have high blood pressure and heart problems! I am thankful that I don't but according to my deficiencies I should! Hopefully by getting these specific things in check and within normal range I will prevent those things from becoming a problem later in my life.

So I should be able to get an antioxidant blend that will take care of everything except the NAC and COQ10 - those are going to have to be their own supplement unless I can find one that incorporates all of it - so far in my research I haven't found one that does. Most have everything EXCEPT the NAC and COQ10. I'm really going to have to figure out a way to remember to take these things as that is one area I am really bad in - if I can take something 1x a day great, but for those that I'll have to take 3x.....I might need to figure out how to have my phone remind me - oh I'm sure I can find a pill reminder app or something on my phone!!

At my treatment today I had a 1 hr massage, chiropractic adjustment and trigger point injections in my hips. Today's massage focused on my hips and legs. Let me tell you, I would of never known how tender my muscles/soft tissue is without this massage. It actually hurt more than anything today. She really worked my hips as that is where I find I have most of my pain. Right now I am a little uncomfortable in the area where she did the work but am anticipating that will go away after today like it did last week due to the injections after the massage work.

Tomorrow I'll be heading out to get my new supplements as the Dr wants me to get on them ASAP - she also said that I'm a good candidate for IV nutrient therapy but will also need to take the oral supplements. She said she wouldn't be suprised to hear that I'm feeling a lot better after a couple weeks on the supplements since I'm so deficient.

I feel like this has taken me in the right direction so far and am excited to see how I feel once I start these supplements. Although the test results aren't great, they will lead me to getting better and that is the ultimate goal! I'm really feeling that it is going to happen now that we are getting things dialed in to specifics.

This week I have my phone appointment with the Mayo Clinic as well - that's on Thursday with the nurse. I'm sure I'll have things to say after that call so stay tuned for more updates - things are rolling along in the right direction! Although a long road, it's going to be one worth the travel by the time I reach the end of it! I just know it!

Monday, July 11, 2011

The picture says it all. Living with Fibromyalgia is painful and a number of people will never find relief of that pain. I'm on a mission to find relief but at times wonder if I will ever truly be pain free. Every symptom listed in the picture is present in most sufferers most of the time. It's not just one or two of these symptoms...it's most of them, if not all of them, all of the time. I can say out of these 23 symptoms, I have 19 of them everyday. No wonder I am always sick, always tired and always feel so run down. It's exhausting being a host to these ailments.

Today I had my first appointment (out of 20) at the Fibromyalgia Center up North. This appointment consisted of a 30 minute soft tissue massage and 2 trigger point injections in my back (if you look at the picture of where the woman has her fingers, that is where I got the injections on each side). Now I'm not feeling as great as one would expect after getting a massage....I never do. I can tell exactly where she massaged me as the areas hurt...tomorrow they will hurt more. The injection sites are tender which is to be expected. I got a headache after the massage and was extremely tired immediately afterward as well. I found it difficult to do much the rest of the day after returning home due to the fatigue.

From what I understand the trigger point injections help the muscles stay relaxed for a few hours longer than they would without it. This allows the body to heal according to the Dr - the theory is that over time the massage will hurt less and I won't need the injections as the muscles will learn how to stay loose instead of tightening up again so quickly. The injections also serve partly to help relieve any pain associated with the massage as well - so it's an effort to help the muscles stay loose and keep them from being as sore as they would be without it.

I'm really new to all this alternative medicine so I don't want to jump to the conclusion that it isn't for me.....if asked right now, I don't feel good and probably would tell you that I am not sure about all this....but I need to give it time to work - I have an appointment scheduled every Monday for the next 4 wks......I'm hoping to be able to see some kind of positive benefit/effect after a couple more appointments. I honestly just don't quite understand how the massage works to help, although I've read about it, I have links here on my blog about it as well but still don't "get it" - I know the body functions best when all areas are working together so I'm sure the massage is one aspect of getting the body to work in harmony with other vital components.

Bottom line, I just want to feel better NOW...not in 4, 5 or 6 weeks from now....NOW......which I know isn't going to happen. It's taken many years for me to get to this point, so it's going to take some time to reverse the causes that got me here.

At my appointment today I also received a preliminary treatment plan pending them getting all my labs and medical files in. Once those all come together I will have more things included such as supplements, IV nutrient therapy and nutritional counseling to help everything work together to maximize the benefits.

Right now it's just all unclear to me how this will all come together to help me feel better as it seems that the entire treatment plan consists of a weekly massage with injections and some chiropractic, 1x each 5 weeks I'll see a pain management Dr and 1 time a counselor if I want or feel the need to see one. I'll also get some nutritional counseling in the process and the nutrient therapy will be added if needed once all my labs are in and reviewed. About 10 wks into it I will have the option to explore accupuncture or continue with the massage and weeks 15-20 will start some physical therapy.

The goal is that at the end of 20 wks I will be less sensitive in my soft tissue/muscles/joints, be able to exercise more with less pain/fatigue, be more energetic and be well on the road to a healthier, less painful me. I hope it plays out this way - I need to trust and just let go of any doubts I am feeling right now because they could potentially hamper my progress - let go and let God as the saying goes.

On the Mayo Clinic side of things I'm still waiting for them to call - I had to go into the lab on this last Friday to get yet another blood draw as one of the tubes of blood couldn't be processed for some reason so they (the lab) needed more blood to process the one test that was ordered (one out of many)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Why can't "trained professionals" seem to do it right?

I had two different appointments this week and at both they needed to draw blood. My experience with this has never been the best. I always wonder what is so hard about putting a needle in a vein and taking the needed blood. These people are "trained" to do this and yet it seems most don't really do a very good job at it. It almost makes me want to get trained as a phlebotomist so there is at least another person out there who does know how to do it well - because I would for sure make sure I was one of the best after some of the trauma I've dealt with in regards to having needles stuck in me!

Yesterday (7/1) I had an appointment with my primary Dr as the Mayo clinic requested he do a full physical and asked for several lab tests to be done - he told me all that was being done but I don't recall the specific names - checking my Vitamin D level, CBC and several other technical test names - the nurse had to get 9 vials from me which brings me to my vent......she stuck me in the left arm and literally nothing came out when she put the vial thing on the needle - nothing......I've never had this happen before and asked her if she got the vein, which she was certain she had......she tried to get something to come out before she pulled the needle and went for my other arm.........on the right side she decided it would be good to stick me in the same spot that I had blood drawn on Wed ....which was already bruised and tender......so that hurt but the blood was flowing this time so I just let her go so I could be done with it.

After 1.5hr with the Dr and answering tons of questions, being poked, prodded and checked out I left, arms wrapped in purple tape, prescriptions in hand and ready to wait for the Mayo clinic to contact me - My dr said it would probably be about 3-4 wks before I hear anything since they will need to wait for the lab results and review my files to determine if they will take me - My Dr seems to think they will, I hope he is right. In the meantime I'll be starting treatments in a couple weeks with the Fibromyalgia Center and looking forward to getting myself back to feeling good and living my life like I should be.

I'm exhausted both physically and emotionally from all of this. I really can't wait to feel better and be past it all...hoping that I never have to endure it again to this extent - although being chronically ill there are what is known as "flare ups" from time to time and all based on environment and conditions that sometimes can't be controlled such as the weather.

Today I took my daughter to the mall - we were there for a little over an hour between getting her feathers put back in her hair and something from the lego store for my son, I'm wiped out....just that trip took all I had.....and I still have to go to my friends this evening as she is getting married in a couple weeks and tonight is her night with her bridal party (I'm the matron of honor)......so as I muster up enough energy/strength to get ready for this evening I am glad we aren't going out dancing or something like that, I don't think I could do it. We are going to the movies so at least I don't have to deal with anything that takes to much physical energy to do. I know tomorrow will be a day of not doing much for me after being out late tonight. Just "being out" is very draining to me right now. Possibly had I not taken the trip to the mall today with the kids I would have a little more energy for this evening - it is what it is I guess and onward I go..........I must admit though I'm already looking forward to getting home and going to bed!

Until next time...stay well and enjoy your health - enjoy feeling well, having energy and being able to do what you want, when you want! You never know when it could suddenly be taken away from you! Trust me on that!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Cautiously hopeful.....

My appointment at the Colorado Fibromyalgia Center went really well. I was pleased that the intake Dr spent about 2 hrs with me and was very informative.

The program is treatment based vs diagnosis based so they really focus on treating each person and their symptoms in an effort to eliminate the symptoms so the patient feels better. The treatment program lasts about 4-6 months and optimally they want me to come in 1x a week for treatment. Due to the fact that I'm traveling an hour each way to get there they are willing to work with me and if it is feasible to give me 2 treatments in one appointment they will. Sometimes though, depending on the treatment needed, they wouldn't be able to do that. An hour drive isn't really so bad though.

So I'm going to go forward with the treatment at this center and am, as the title of this entry states, Cautiously hopeful - I don't want to get too excited just in case.....however I do really feel that their treatment approaches are really going to make some significant improvements in my overall health.

The center does take more of a holistic and natural approach to healing - while they do also offer some western medicine treatments when indicated necessary, they do try to use more alternative and holistic approaches.

I am still also pursuing an appointment with the Mayo Clinic while I am getting treatment at this center. I figure I might as well start getting help while I'm working on the Mayo Clinic and between the two I should be able to figure out what exactly I'm looking at as far as the future of my own health is concerned.

Yesterday I was feeling kind of guilty for pursuing both avenues however a friend of mine sent me a video that really reminded me that it's ok to seek help and answers for my own health until I'm satisfied with the results - it's a great video that I recommend you take a moment to watch...........e-patient Dave - I'm certain that most of my readers will agree with the message that is delivered in the video.

While I was at my appointment I also had some blood drawn for a blood test called "micronutrient testing" through a laboratory called "spectracell" - I've included the link for you in case this is something that anyone else might want to look into - I'm really excited to see the results of this test as I really think it's going to lead me and the medical team I'm working with in the right direction to helping my body get back to optimal functioning status.........check out the link to Spectracell laboratories and the information for the Micronutrient blood test. It's pretty interesting stuff!

This week in addition to the unrelenting fatigue, I've been dealing with consistent headaches which have me really feeling crappy but motrin seems to help me get past the pain and get through the day. I've been waking up with the headaches everyday but they haven't been to the point of "migraine" status so I have been ok with just a nice dose of mortrin a couple times a day. I'm not certain as to why the headaches have returned but figure it's just part of everything else, could be heat related, medication related - who knows why any of this happens at this point.....

I am looking forward to getting started on my treatments with the Fibromyalgia Center. As of now I have a phone appointment on July 8th with the Dr to go over her findings from my medical records and yesterday's visit and the proposed treatment plan. Then on the 11th I'll go in for my first appointment with the massage therapist and the Dr who does nutrient injections.

Part of my treatment will be massage therapy which will help "desensitize" my muscles and tissues - I had told the Dr yesterday that I don't enjoy massages as it causes pain for several days following so she feels that working on desensitizing my muscles and tissues will be an important part of my treatment - this will also serve to help release tension areas that is causing other problems in my body. As the belief in this type of treatment plan is that when one part of the body is under stress or not optimal it will effect other parts of the body that and so on as everything is connected to work together. I wish it was enjoyable for me to get a massage - maybe someday it will be.

Until next time, my journey continues as I move closer to my goal of getting back to how I was prior to the onset of this craziness or even better than that! I'm really looking forward to the beginning of something great that could end up proving to heal me even beyond my expectations.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I have an appointment

at the Colorado Fibromyalgia Clinic tomorrow morning. I'm nervous, excited and hopeful for what will come from this appointment. I'm sitting here with a 16 page "questionnaire" that I need to fill out for them too....they certainly cover all the bases but some of the questions are very vague. I will do my best to answer everything as best I can and give as much information as I'm able to give.....there is so much to what's been going on.

Update from my last post: I'm feeling better from the cold/sinus infection - I guess the meds took care of that! I got worried during the course of antibiotics as my chest was really tight for a couple days but that went away thank goodness. My primary Dr contacted the Mayo Clinic as he had said he would and apparently they needed him to fill out some forms then I received a call this week from the Dr office telling me the Mayo Clinic wants me to have a physical with my primary......I'm not sure if this is a pre-screening type thing or what is going on really. My Dr has me coming in for this physical on Friday of this week so hopefully I'll find out more information from him during that appointment. He seems to be really on top of it and helping me out so I do appreciate that! In the meantime I'm also going to this other clinic just in case the Mayo Clinic doesn't accept me or has a really long wait to see me.......seems like between all the appointments and exams someone will figure something out. There are so many possibilities of what is going on I really hope I am on the right path to getting it figured out.

Today I was out for a few hours doing some much needed grocery shopping - I'm wiped out from that! Crazy how going to 2 stores over a 3 hr period just takes everything out of me. I hate it.

It's so hard to explain to someone who has never had to deal with this type of chronic illness just how tired I always am or how ill I feel most of the time. Over the past several days I've also had some pretty bad headaches which has just added to everything else. On a good note, my medication is keeping most of my pain at bay so I'm mainly dealing with the headaches and extreme fatigue constantly. Honestly I just don't understand really why I can sleep 10+ hrs a night and still wake up so tired.....it takes me a good hour or longer to really fully wake up and then after a few hours I'm just spent even if I haven't done anything. It really takes all I have to spend the day out and about with the family or just doing things that need to get done. I really want my life back! I'm too young to be so tired and lacking energy all the time!

On another note and something interesting I found today on one of the many Fibromyalgia support group sites I belong to. I read some information from someone who was bedridden for 4 yrs with CFS/fibro.....this person wrote a book about it but also shared a list of supplements that she claims helped her to get her life and health back. They are supplements that can be purchased anywhere that sells vitamins so I'm going to take the list to the Dr to see if it's something I should be doing.......some I already have been taking off and on, some I would need to go get but before I do that I want to ask the Dr. what she thinks. If you remember, earlier in the year I had started taking some supplements that I had read about but, because I didn't see any change in my condition I stopped taking them.......I'm really bad about that when I don't see an improvement.

For those of you who might be interested, the recommended supplements and amounts are:

Co-Q-10 - 100mg This is essential for every cell in the body for energy. The new form of Co-Q-10 called Ubiaquinol helps by adding more energy because it is already broken down and goes right to work by attaching to the cells in the body to produce energy.

B-12 sublingual 500 mcg twice daily, this is dissolved under the tongue and is more effective and helps with energy and the nervous system.

Calcium 1000mg, magnesium 400mg and zinc 25 mg.
Calcium for bones; magnesium for inflammation; zinc for immune system health.

Vitamin C 500mg once daily for immune system

Vitamin E 400 Iu once daily Immune system and energy

Vitamin D-3 1,000 Iu twice daily. Helps with vision problems and long bone pain (if you are deficient of Vitamin D, your doctor will have you take a larger dose). Most people with CFS/ME or FM are so difficient that they need larger doses, so it’s a good idea to have it checked by a Vitamin D 3 blood test.

Ginkgo Biloba 60 mg once daily helps memory and brain fog.

Garlic 500 mg once daily (oderless). Good for immune system and is a natural antibiotic.

Omega 3 Salmon Oil 500mg twice daily. Good for immune system and heart health and helps to balance hormones. Many fish oils contain shellfish to which some people are allergic. For this reason, Salmon Oil might be the better choice.

Milk Thistle 175mg twice daily for 3 months, then 1 per day for liver health. To be taken with Probiotic Acidophilus twice daily for 3 months, then 1 per day for intestine well-being.
Milk Thistle and Acidophilus remove toxins from the body and help retard yeast build up

Wish me luck! I'll definitely post an update tomorrow from my appointment at this Fibromyalgia clinic. It's about 2 hrs away so I'll be gone all day but will get an update out as soon as I can once I return. Hopefully there will be some good news and hope for this journey to finally take a turn towards a healthier me!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

From one thing right into another.........never fails

Friday (17th) I woke up not feeling well - as the day progressed I continued to go downhill with nausea, cold sweats, chills - something was obviously going on. So after contemplating most of the day on trying to push through I finally came to the point that I just called my Primary Care Dr - they were able to get me in at 2:45........I figured it was better to get seen on Friday than to let whatever was going on fester through the weekend...turns out it was a good choice.

I had a good visit with him......he told me the sleep test I had done came back NEGATIVE - so that's good news...and bad news...the good news being I don't have sleep apnea, the bad news being we are no closer to figuring out how to make me better. We (me and the numerous Dr's I see) were hoping the sleep test would give us some insight as to why I'm always so tired and drained.......we thought for sure it would be sleep apnea and once I got on an apnea machine I would find that I felt SO MUCH better......well this isn't the case after all.

He examined me and determined I am now dealing with a sinus infection, a little dehydration and maybe another "unspecified" viral infection - he prescribed a 5 day course of antibiotics, anti nausea meds and rest........with plenty of fluids.....

While at his office I also asked him to call The Mayo Clinic referral line, to which he had no problem with doing for me. He said he would do that on Monday.....

We also discussed my previous blood work he had done for me in December 2010 and it turns our we did do a significant amount of blood work (which I knew, I just wasn't sure of the specific tests done) including the ANA profile, Lyme Profile, arthritis and many other blood tests to rule things out - of course, as always all the tests were negative EXCEPT one, my Epstein Barr Virus levels were high at that time...to which he said they always have been every time he has tested for it...........I've known this for a long time as I was 16 when I had a bad case of Mononucleosis.......which leads me of course to wonder if we should be exploring this a little further.....why of course we should!

Epstein Barr is another one of those "viruses" that has no cure, it is linked to "mono", has no treatment protocol and is something with many various symptoms and is linked to other underlying illnesses as well. So it really doesn't get me any closer to an answer as it's just a vague as "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" and "fibromyalgia"...I told the Dr that in addition to these things, I swear there is something more primary running through me and I'm hell bent to find out what it is........aside from the untreatable viruses I've been diagnosed with - I just know it......if it turns out that this is what I'm stuck dealing with I just don't know what I'll do - I can't go on feeling like this day in and day out. There has got to be an "ANSWER" out there, an explanation as to why I'm always sick or feeling sickly and not feeling rested after a long night of sleep.

Like many others who are struck with a sudden illness that changes their entire life there are a lot of feelings that go with it. Aside from the fact that it feels like you'll never get back the life you once had, there are so many unanswered questions and dead ends it just seems hopeless at times. I know I'm on the right path to the Mayo Clinic and really hope they will be able to help.

I've done my share of research for sure and have come up with a lot of potential things that could be going on....several have been preliminarily tested and some have not - I'm going to be sure to take a list of everything as well as my own notes to the Mayo Clinic when I go so nothing is overlooked. Of course I have no idea when that will be...hopefully sooner rather than later.

That's it for today's update - just wanted to keep up on what's going on and where I"m at...today is day 3 of my 5 day antibiotics so hopefully tomorrow I'll be doing much better - today I was having some chest tightness but am feeling a lot better now in regards to that.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

A quick update and vent.....

I saw the Dr today - he was hesitant to agree to give me a referral to the Mayo Clinic but he wrote one out anyway after I convinced him that was my next stop - only for me to later find out that he will need to call it into them. So that's another call, email or visit I'll have to figure out.

My one question right now is WHY in the world do Dr's make it SO difficult to get into to see them and/or talk with them. Especially Dr's who see people with chronic health problems - don't they know that we have needs that need to be addressed sooner rather than later??

I am so frustrated and feel that I've just run out of juice in this fight.....I need to refuel though because I know there is a lot more fighting to do until I come to a point where my symptoms are being successfully managed. I have so many questions and want so many tests run to rule out other potential underlying issues - but for some reason this particular Dr doesn't want to do these tests.......I don't get it.

I went ahead and had him change my meds again to go back on the Venlafaxine (Effexor) - as I had mentioned before, in retrospect, this one seems to be the best at keeping my pain at bay and my mood at a stable point. Although a nasty med to come off of, it does it's job......I guess we live and learn. Too bad I had to endure the withdrawls of coming off it just to get back on it....I feel like I've just gone in one big circle. OH wait, I did!

One big disapointment from today's visit - I asked the Dr to run an ANA panel and he wouldn't do it - it's a blood test to check for any potential autoimmune issues (ie, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis) he feels that if anything I could have an immune deficiency vs an autoimmune disorder or issue - I don't understand why he wouldn't run the blood test to rule out the autoimmune disorders if I requested it........I'm not happy about it. He said I might want to see an allergist for testing to see if my immune system is deficient in any areas..........now an allergist, really?

I'm at the point of extreme frustration, exhaustion and just simply ready to say screw it....I know I can't......but I need some fire back in my fight because I've hit so many brick walls I'm beginning to crumble against them. I'm trying to be strong and believe and be positive but it's so very hard right now. It seems that no matter where I turn there is that wall being put up....I get around it only to find another one...and another...and another.......

I'm going on a year now since I first got sick and all of this began......it's been a huge challenge for not only me, but my entire family has had to endure every aspect of my illness from my daily gripes to the Dr's to the bills that are piling up....to my lack of being able to work like I use to and to my daily frustrations...it isn't easy and I love them so much for staying by my side through all of this and just simply understanding. I know it hasn't been easy on them.

I did make a call to the Mayo Clinic and at this point am not sure the program they have is really what I need - honestly at this point I feel lost and just don't know what I need........I wish someone would just take me, run every possible test they can, rule out anything they can and get me on the RIGHT PATH to wellness. I've done everything I've been told to do from exercising to changing my diet and eating "right", to watching my sugar intake, to taking meds to sleeping more etc.....I don't know what else to do because none of the "suggestions" have made a large enough impact on my health to make me feel like I'm even close to where I need to be.....or back to myself prior to getting sick - will I ever be that person again??

With all that said - I have no other choice but to move forward.......onward I go, forward to the next step whatever that might be..........

Still here......still in the thick of things

Hello friends and followers! I'm still here, I haven't been much into posting an update since my last one, although there is plenty to update....... Health status is pretty much status quo although I can say the withdrawl from the Effexor is gone and I'm settling in with the new medication, Savella - although now that I look back I think the Effexor was the best medication to be on for both depression, mood and pain - as I was getting off the Effexor I noticed a considerable increase in leg pain especially at my hips after getting up from sitting down....my ankles and my knees as well - this pain wasn't really noticable while I was on the Effexor, it was only after I stopped that medication that I really noticed it and had trouble with walking most of the time.

SO what to do what to do - one reason I went off the effexor was due to it's high cost - and my son going on medications I just couldn't afford both - so I did what any parent would do and sacraficed my own health needs for that of my son's well being.

It's been about 2 months now since the medication switch and I'm just not sure what to do. The Savella has started to work as the pain in my hips, knees and ankles isn't as prominent as it was while the going through the switch over, however I definitely notice a difference in my general mood. I have an appointment today with my Dr so we'll see what he thinks. I would really hate to go through yet another change in the meds, it's so hard to go through that and I really just want to be at the point of being able to resume my regular activities with little to no pain and discomfort. Wishful thinking? Maybe.......probably.....

Research, Research and more research!

I've been looking into different options and places both nationally and locally to go to in order to get some good treatment and on the right path - locally there are a few places that treat Fibromyalgia, one of them being The Fibromyalgia and Pain Centers - however upon looking at them I was told they are not taking on new patients - so moving on from there I found the Colorado Fibromyalgia Center in Lafayette, CO - I have an appointment with them for the end of the month.

I'm also looking into getting in at the Rochester, MN Mayo Clinic for an exam and treatment. I think if anyone is going to get me on the right path to wellness they can. They have a specialized Fibromyalgia Clinic there that only takes patients on referral, so that's one thing I'll be asking for today at my appointment. I'm really hoping they can not only get me in ASAP but also give me a great head to toe exam and either confirm the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia/CFS or find anything else that could be going on and causing me all the symptoms I've been dealing with and continue to have. So keeping fingers crossed. If I can get into the Mayo Clinic then I'll be canceling my appointment at the Lafayette clinic for now. I'm sure at some point I'll have to take up care here locally as I don't foresee me being able to travel to MN every few weeks for follow up appointments. It's a starting point anyway.

If you have ever done any kind of research into this disease you will know that there is all kinds of information to be found, most of which will say that the cause is unknown and that there are many potential types of ways to treat it, some conventional, some not so conventional. Because of this, it can be tricky to find providers who treat the disease. Research has come a long way on it and is continuing to carve a trail for the treatment of Fibromyalgia. In fact, I spoke to the medical director at the University of Colorado Executive Health Program yesterday as I was looking at going to see them - he pretty much reminded me that this disease is SO hard to treat and said that his particular program was not for me. This sent me for a full day of tears..........only because it was just another brick wall put up in front of me, and I'm so tired....so stressed.....so sick of being sick! I couldn't help it and I just broke down. My poor kids and husband are enduring a lot with all of this as well. My son sat with me at one point last night and said to me "Mom, you are so strong, and you can beat this thing........I know it's hard but you just have to believe! Believe that you will get through this and get better and you will! Remember, there are people out there who beat cancer, because they believe they will" - what an amazing child - he's only 9 and has such a grasp on life.

One thing that is of a concern too is that there are other diseases that cam mimick Fibromyalgia and CFS - such as Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, Lyme Disease, Candida infections...and the list goes on - I'm at the point that I just don't know if I truly have fibromyalgia/CFS or if something else is lurking in my body that just hasn't been discovered as of yet. Being that I am in a constant stage of feeling sick...not so much pain at this point, just like I'm coming down with the flu all the time........feeling crappy day in and day out definitely takes a toll on you....if you have this terrible disease then you know exactly what I'm referring to...if not...you just have to take my word for it and know that when I say I don't feel good....I REALLY DON'T...........

Even though you might see me out at the pool with the kids, out at the grocery store......out at a fabulous fun Slumber Party for a client.....you might see me at the Park or walking my dogs with my husband.........you might see me and think to yourself "well she doesn't look like she is suffering".....but inside and all the time I am just not what I use to be. I honestly feel, deep down, that what I have could very well be Fibromyalgia - but I also feel there is more to it than JUST that......and that's what I'm on the search for. I am on a mission and will go to the end of the world to find out what is going on and how to fix it. This is a fight that I'm not giving up on...although there are many times I just want to say "I GIVE UP" and go crawl under a rock.....it's easy for people to forget...I see it happen all the time....I've lost some friends because I can't be out and about with them....I decline going out with them because I just don't have the energy to do it. I hate it...I hate this disease....I HATE THAT I'VE BEEN PUT TO THIS CHALLENGE! But regardless of how I feel about it, it is what it is and I have to find a way to get through it, learn to live with it and find a way to be here for my family for many more years.

One more thing - I had a few people ask me if I've been juicing and sadly the answer is no - if you recall, my juicer broke, I ordered a replacement part which I still don't have as the company said it's on backorder - so I stopped juicing for that reason and the fact that I didn't notice it making much of a real difference overall.......I may take it back up if I ever get this replacement part to my juicer.....the replacement juicer I purchased wasn't cutting it so between all that, I just kind of fell off the juicing wagon.....I might just have to get back on it though - it takes a lot of will power to keep at it that I'm just not sure I have in me right now with everything else going on......plus, if I'll be traveling then that will cut right back into my efforts - so I might hold off until I get a handle on what the immediate future holds for me......

I'll post an update later after my appointment - hopefully it'll be a great update with a referral to the Mayo Clinic!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Do you even understand?? Maybe this will help

My post today is all about bringing awareness to everyone who reads this blog that doesn't understand or for those of you who are like me, sick......all the time and do understand but need help trying to get others to understand you.

FIBROMYALGIA - it's not the "catch all" diagnosis I've heard so many people say it is.....believe me, if you lived even one day with it, you would "GET IT" real quick! It's so very frustrating not being able to really talk to people who don't have it and trust that they understand......understand why you couldn't get out of bed today, understand why you couldn't do the dishes, laundry or clean your house....understand that you are not lazy....but that YOU ARE SICK......it's easy for anyone not living with it to say things like "oh just exercise more, you'll be fine" or "go to bed earlier and you won't be so tired".....and the list of "comments" you make to people who suffer with this disease goes on and on.....I've heard you, I know what you say and think about people like me....people who appear to be just fine on the outside - we are suffering on the inside.

I've compiled a few videos for you to help you possibly see inside the life of someone who suffers from Fibromyalgia and/or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome....if you love someone who has been given one or both of these chronic pain diagnoses - please take the time to watch these videos, take the time to try to understand what they are going through....take the time to know that when they say they hurt, they REALLY hurt........don't be another person in their life who just brushes them off as lazy or think they are faking it.......living with this is hard, frustrating and at times feels hopeless.....give us hope and just try to understand..........

Fibromyalgia Hurts

But you don't LOOK sick

Just offer some compassion and understanding

Anyone who doubts this condition should take this challenge. We will both go for a walk but first lets get on an even footing.

As you can't see or feel my daily aches and pains then I suggest we should wrap ourselves in barbed wire before we set off. Oh and have NO SLEEP the night before.

Then we walk today, tomorrow and every day thereafter until one of us gives up and takes the barbed wire off our bodies. I can tell you now that it won't be me because you see this barbed wire that I wear does not come off! It's called Fibromyalgia and I just have to learn how to deal with it, no matter what!

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog, watch the videos and think differently about this condition that effects so many ......it's sad to know that there are still many Dr's out there who don't believe in this, many people out there who don't understand and many people that are close to people who suffer who just don't want to take the time to even TRY to understand what someone is going through.

Now let me remind you that I haven't always had to deal with this illness. I was only just diagnosed late last year after a bout of illness, after illness, after illness that finally landed me in a Dr's office and with this diagnosis after tests among tests among tests that came back NEGATIVE.........ask my family, I was SICK....I was in bed for 4 months SICK........now I have to deal with the after effects of that illness that started out as bronchitis, then pneumonia that turned into walking pneumonia......then a sudden onset of uncontrollable migraines, then constant dizziness to the point that I couldn't stand up and on and on...........it just was never ending until I ended up at the right Dr's office...........

I don't say these things to get your sympathy, but rather to encourage your compassion for anyone who has to deal with this day in and day out...for life. Fibromyalgia is triggered by various things, usually a tramatic incident or event.....mine was triggered by my prolonged sickness that landed me in the ER being tested for anything and everything to try to find out why I was so dizzy, with a migraine that couldn't be banished.

Please, feel free to share this blog with anyone who may benefit from reading my stories...that's why it's here!

Friday, April 29, 2011

I feel like a Yo-Yo - Up....then down....constantly changing

Hello! Let me start off by warning you, this is a long update with several things that are going on - so bear with me as I ramble on about all this!

Many people call me and one of the first things that they say is "how are you feeling" or "how are you doing" - my most common response, as many of you know is "it depends on the day and sometimes the hour" - because from day to day everything changes. One day I feel great, one day I want to just sleep all day...one day I have pain all over, etc and it's constantly changing like this on a daily, sometimes hourly basis. So just because yesterday was a great day doesn't, by any means, mean that today is going to be the same - I sure wish it did though!

In fact yesterday (4/27) was one of those "not so great" days - I was just simply
exhausted from the moment I woke up......it was just one of "THOSE" days. I went out and did a few things, met up with a friend for a light lunch, did a couple errands and after I got home didn't move off my chair. Today on the other hand has been a much better day - I even took a nice long walk this morning. I'm not as exhausted as I was yesterday and not having as much pain in my legs, although it's still there. My ankles and feet are quite sore on a frequent basis as well.

I also have been continuing to work on figuring out this sleep study I need to do - my Dr was able to hook me up with a company that does "at home" sleep studies - so instead of being a cost of $3000 this is $500 and I do it at home. The only thing I need to talk to my Dr about is the fact that this particular company is "out of network" for me which means it won't apply to our "in network" deductible - so I need to see if he knows of another company he can hook me up with instead of this one - either way I'm happy that I can do it for much less AND at home.....as of now, if I go with the "out of network" company, I'm scheduled to start it next WED and it lasts for 3 days......they will send me all the machines and sensors and when I'm done I will send it all back for them to analyze and report to my Dr. I'm super hopeful that this is just another step to me feeling better......if in fact the underlying factor of my chronic fatigue is because of sleep apnea then I should be a new person once I get hooked up with an apnea machine. I'm hopeful anyway that this is that "one step closer".............

For those of you reading this blog who might not have to deal with chronic issues please take a moment to read the story about "The Spoon Theory". It really gives a great analogy about someone who has chronic illness and will help those of you out there who don't have to deal with it and maybe just don't understand what it's like in the daily life of someone who does. I often times wonder just how many people out there think to themselves "oh just deal with it, you'll be fine" when in all reality, each day is a huge battle to function. I hope the story helps you understand a little better and helps you know that someone who has this is truly living from minute to minute and having to make decisions about their activities that most people don't. For anyone who thinks that these "silent illnesses" are a bunch of bologna, I honestly hope that this helps give you some insight.

I would love to hear back from those of you who read the above story with what you think about it.....

The medication withdrawl is going much better than the last update - I still get those weird sensations in my head but not constantly like it was, rather just a few times a day which has been much nicer. I had about a week of feeling annoyed at everyone and everything.....my poor family had to endure that nasty mood swing and for that I feel bad.....especially because I knew I was in a bad place but couldn't do anything about it. I am glad that it seems that the withdrawl period is not going to be constant and last as long as I had feared it would. The mood seems to have passed for the most part and overall I'm feeling that the "withdrawl" is lessening. I hope it lasts! The new medication I'm on, I can't really say much about just yet as I'm not sure about it. I am beginning to wonder though if getting off the old one was a smart move since I'm having much more pain than I previously had while on it - I guess it was working and I just didn't realize it was! But either way, I'm glad to be getting off it because of #1 the cost of it and #2 the withdrawl symptoms it would give even if missing even just one dose.....certainly there are other meds out there to give a try that aren't as heavy when coming off them......I actually want to give Lyrica a try...I've heard it's a good one for my condition.

On another note, my son has been on a new medication since the beginning of this month - long story short, he has had "issues" since he was a baby - we have dealt with Sensory Integration Dysfunction and ADHD since he was 1 - he is going to be 10 in July and over the past several months he has been having a rough time with his ADHD - I am not sure the diagnosis of ADHD really still fits him so we are in the process of getting another or rather a renewed diagnosis from his Dr. He hasn't been on medications for this until recently because nothing we did was helping him, he seems to have gotten worse over time and my husband and I really just needed some help with him......it is definitely more than him just being a kid trying to get his way too - definitely more. He has something going on inside his little body that nothing we could do was going to help - I'm so glad that we recognized this and got him the help he obviously needs.

Since starting his new medication he has done a 180.......at school and for the most part at home....he has had way more better days/nights than he has had bad with the exception of a few good blow outs (compared to constantly having problems with his behavior and attitude). We are pleased with the result of his medication and he is as well - he can really notice a difference too. We go in next Wed to see his Dr for a follow up and to determine what MG dose he needs to be on - we have "played with" several from 10mg to 60mg and think 60mg (out of 70mg) is where he will be, with maybe a little booster in the afternoons....we'll see.

It's really been a tough road with both of us...I have never mentioned my son in this blog only because this blog is about me finding my health, however, being that his actions, behavior and all that comes with that is a huge part of my life, at times will also effect my health - mostly my mental health!