I am almost afraid to say it because I'm afraid I'll have to turn around and take it back....but here it goes.......I'm feeling really good! THERE, I SAID IT, I DID IT....and I'M NOT WILLING TO TAKE IT BACK! It's out there, it's real and it's going to continue!
I really think the treatments I've been religiously going through and the various supplements I've been taking are finally starting to work to combat my Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue. I'm feeling less and less of the fatigue that has been such an issue and I'm noticing my pain and other symptoms are beginning to become less and less as each day passes.
I've had several people ask me what my treatments are so I'm going to list them here, again. Now if you are someone who suffers from the all over body pain of Fibromyalgia you might sit there and say "oh this won't work for me, I hurt too bad to allow anyone to touch me" however, don't discount the effects of these treatments - I'm no different than you, I too have widespread body pain that at times it is unbearable to think of someone touching me.....but, if you stick it out you will see how it does help to release the tied up muscles and tissues that are causing you all the pain to begin with.
My treatments are being done at a Dr office in Colorado that specializes in Fibromyalgia care - it is a back and spine center that has a special program specifically for treating Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue. They are of the belief that treatment should go in graduated phases and are not ones to try to cover up the problem, but rather work with the patient and their individual stage of the conditions and offer treatments to help them overcome those symptoms gradually and over time. In addition they also review your nutritional needs and only do what you can handle them doing, nothing more, nothing less.
So for me I go 1x a week for 20 wks. The first 5 weeks was Phase 1 - this consisted of 1hr theraputic massage, trigger point injection and an adjustment.........the trigger point injection helped with any pain I might have had after the massage...and it did eliminate the pain I would normally experience. At times the massage was painful, yes, however, it was a necessary pain to get through.
Phase 2 (which I'm currently in) also lasts 5wks - consisting of soft tissue massage which is more of an interactive massage where I have to do movements along with the massage to stretch the tissue and muscles along with the massage being done.....whereas the theraputic massage was just massage with me laying there......then an adjustment after.
Phase 3 (5wks) - accupuncture and adjustment
Phase 4 (5wks) - physical therapy and adjustment
I'm at the end of phase 2 with 2 more treatments left and am just in the last week really noticing some changes in the level of pain and frequency of pain I am having - also with less fatigue than I've been use to.
Supplements I've been taking for the past 2 months haven't changed (you can read back a few entries in my blog as to what I've been taking) I did literally today just add an Omega 3 fish oil and probiotic.
Now let me say when I first started with this Fibromyalgia center I was extremely cautious with my expectations and honestly didn't think that massage and adjustments would miraculously "cure" me - nor do I think now that it's a "cure" but rather a way to release the cycle my body has been stuck in.......the vicious cycle of pain.
I'm really excited that half way through my 20wk treatment plan I'm noticing some positive changes and am really looking forward to my next phase with the acupuncture. Acupuncture has been one thing that I've read about many times that has been something a lot of people say has helped them feel better where both pain and fatigue are concerned. I can't wait to see how it helps me to continue to feel better and find new levels of energy and get back to the life I've missed out on this past year.
If anyone wants more information please feel free to ask - I've done a ton of research and continue to research this condition as it's something I'll be dealing with forever....but I do believe that there are effective treatments available that when done consistently can help put you into remission and get you back to living a normal life full of activity and pain free. That's my goal.
Now I also fully expect that there will still be times that I don't feel well, that I have a flare up, that I'm extra tired and all that jazz that comes along with this relentless condition - but I also think that having it under control will help me get past those days and back to feeling better. You must listen to your body, rest when you feel you need to rest and not overdo it.......listen to your body and what it needs.
I love this post!! Keep up the attention you have been religiously giving to your health and well-being and I know you're going to come out on top! So happy to hear you are feeling better and it was like taking a big gulp of air to read this post. Your journey is going to bless so many others and I'm excited for the healing your body is going thru. Love you!