
I'm just me.......

I started this blog to keep track of my health on a regular basis and to keep everyone who has asked me how I'm feeling in the loop of whats going on as it seems to change daily. I also hope that others who have suffered, do suffer or know someone who suffers from mysterious, chronic and unresolved health issues may find my blog and get some help from it too.

Sometimes I might include very personal information in this blog, things that you normally wouldn't discuss openly but it's my journey and if the information fits then it's going in it. So let that be your fair warning - especially to the men as I also have some "female" issues from time to time that I might just feel fit to mention and discuss as part of my journey to better health...:)

A little background on how this all came about:

First let me say that all my life I've had minor to major health issues - nothing really life threatening but always sick with one thing or another and never feeling completely well or whole. Never energetic and very inclined to get sick with a cold or whatever it be.

In August 2010 I got sick with what I thought was a cold. That progressed over the course of a couple weeks into Bronchitis which then went to pneumonia. At the same time I started to experience dizziness, the onset of a killer headache and general overall sickness. The dizziness and headache lasted for a solid month and landed me in the ER, which resulted in no real findings. After many Dr appts, medications and bedrest, I finally started to feel better around the first of November.

Through the course of those 3.5-4 months I had many tests to include an MRI, MRV, MRA, blood work, many visits to a neurologist and it was determined that I was suffering from a chronic migraine that due to it not being successfully treated had caused the dizziness and recurring headache - It didn't sound right to me but at the time I was just wanting to get better - the neurologist did manage to help me get rid of the migraine finally with a week of taking a low dose of prednisone. Prior to that I had been on many different medications which were not helping.

Finally in Dec 2010 I ended up at an Arthritis clinic seeing a Rhuematologist and was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. This came about as I went to my primary care Dr on Nov 30th and told him that we were going to figure out what and why if it was the last thing I did. I was (and am) tired of being sick and tired and need to figure out why. He did a slew of blood tests and sent me to see a Rhuematologist. This is the Dr that has given me my current diagnosis and life sentence of Fibromyalgia. I have suffered pain in my hips for a few years which I figured was arthritis - nope. I have no inflammation at all according to this new Dr. He had me seeing a physical therapist to get me going on stretching and exercises to help me strengthen my body and work on my extreme fatigue which is another part of all this.

When you read my first blog entry, you will get a good basis and good idea of what I've dealt with for so many years.

I welcome you to join me on this journey and would love to talk to you if you have any questions about anything I share as we go down the road to finding better health in this life.