Monday, December 20, 2010

Not as bad as I anticipated

It took all I had in me to get to physical therapy today - not because I didn't feel well but because I was dreading it. I have done PT in the past, many years ago, and recall it not being a very pleasant I think that is what was making it hard on me. Anyway, I went and it wasn't bad. I talked with the PT for a while then he had me go through a series of stretches. I explained to him that due to my insurance deductible resetting on the 1st I would only be coming until then. With that, he is going to put me on a "fast track" to teach me everything I need and I'll do it at home after the 1st.

The program consists of stretching, endurance and strength exercises that normally would go over an 8 wk course of visits - we are condensing it into 7 visits. So I'll be going back two more times this week and 3 or 4 next week to learn the things I need to learn. I also brought home a print out of the exercises I'll need to do on a daily basis as well as a tracking sheet to help me make sure I am doing what needs to be done.

Today I was able to finish up my Christmas shopping after my appointment which is nice. There is one more thing I would like to get but I'm not sure if I can with the kids home constantly and questioning me at every move I make. The older they get, the harder it is the be sneaky at Christmas time - they are asking about the validity of "santa claus" but all I have to say in response is "If you believe, you receive" and leave it at that, lol

Today, aside from feeling tired I'm feeling ok - my right hand has been bothering me a lot but aside from that today was a pretty good day - I think I'm going to go to bed early tonight, not that it makes any difference in how I feel the next day, no matter how much sleep I get I'm always tired and unrested - that's the next thing to work on with the sleep study that I'm waiting to get scheduled for.

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