Saturday, December 18, 2010

My head is spinning

So it seems there a lot of people who think that this is no big deal - live in my body for a week and then tell me it's no big deal. I have heard everything from "that seems to be the diagnosis of the day" - "oh that's so common everyone seems to have it" - "that's what happens when you get older" - "at least your not dying" - "that's why Dr's tell you when they have no clue" and so on. REALLY? So many people have no compassion and the sad thing is that a lot of them are people who you would expect a little compassion from! I feel a bit alone in all this already and it's just the beginning. It feels like most people have the attitude of "get over it and deal". I guess I better get use to the feeling and lack of compassion for what lies ahead.

Since Tuesday I've been trying to digest everything. I have my first physical therapy appt on Monday at noon and plan on starting Yoga after the first of the year. A friend of mine is going to go with me as she has been wanting to go but hasn't wanted to do it alone - so this is a great excuse for her to start as well. There is a lot of information about this disorder that I've found it difficult to find GOOD information. I will keep searching and I'm sure I will find things, honestly I just don't have the desire to do it right now. With all this coming about right before Christmas I'm a bit stressed and overwhelmed with all I have on my list to do. Dr appointments, shopping, wrapping etc.....and to top it off my mom and I are not getting along right now which just adds to it all.

I've been noticing that the cold weather has been adding to my pain. I know there is a comment on here about the weather which I've been thinking about already. We'll have to see how bad it gets as moving out of the cold might just end up being what we need to do to help - although I'm not going to make that decision on a whim. If I can manage the pain with moist heat, exercise and pain meds then we might not have to. We'll see how that goes.

We have a busy weekend so I'll post an update after my first PT appointment - I'm looking forward to getting on with some exercises and learning about the things I can do to help ease the symptoms of this disorder - it seems each day something new pops up in a new place on my body.

1 comment:

  1. My mom went for almost 2 decades of doctors telling her she had nothing wrong and "it was all in her head". People telling her to suck it up. A lot of the same comments you have gotten. DON"T LISTEN to them or let them get to you. No one is walking in your shoes. Stick to your guns and lean on the people who do believe and support you. As I am sure you have noticed... when loved ones don't support or believe you, you feel worse. My mom is always sicker when she is going through this. Take a break and enjoy the family through the holidays and into the new year. (((HUGS)))
