Friday, February 11, 2011

It's feels good to accomplish something

Even if that something is just the pantry getting cleaned out and straightened up! I know it might be something small but it's done finally and I can mark that off my list! I've been avoiding it but this afternoon I was trying to get something and a few things fell out on me - that frustrated me enough at that point that I just started rearranging things, tossing things and before you knew it, it was done! I'm glad that's over with!

Once again, there were things in there dating back to least I didn't find things dating back to 1996 like I did with the medicine cabinet!! Sheesh - I'm beginning to wonder if we have a problem with getting rid of things!

Here is a picture of the "before"

And here it is "after"

I know, we have a lot of stuff in there, it doesn't look that much different really in the pictures but believe it or not I had a full trash bag of things I tossed out! At least now everything is visible and I can see what we do have instead of not really knowing exactly what is in there.

I had a bit more energy today so I've been really busy doing laundry, straightening the house and doing some general cleaning.....we may need to leave to California as my father in law is in the hospital with congestive heart failure. We think he'll end up being OK but we really feel we should go see the family and offer our support to my mother in law who is really just a wreck with this whole thing. So we'll see, we aren't sure just yet what we are going to do.

That's it for now - just a quick update so I wouldn't forget to update everyone on my progress with those areas I had mentioned I needed to purge - until next time!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Frustrated with my Chronic Fatigue

So today brings me some frustration as I sit here completely exhausted. Why? Because I have chronic fatigue that isn't being treated appropriately. Now I know the next question some of you are asking is "well Gerri, why aren't you treating this condition?" And I do have an's a financial reason. You see, my insurance is one that doesn't cover anything until the deductible is met - so that means we pay 100% out of pocket until then - the deductible is $3000 per person.....the sleep study I need to take is right around $3000. So I face a huge medical bill to treat this OR wait it out until we meet the deductible over the course of this's hard to think of having a huge medical bill arrive on our doorstep but on the flip side it's hard to continue on with this chronic illness without the treatment needed.

I had mentioned previously that the sleep apnea treatment is using a machine at night but in order to get to that point I need the sleep study. So I feel stuck between a rock and a hard spot - deal with my chronic fatigue as I always have or just get the sleep study and deal with the bill later. Being that I still have bills from meeting our deductible last year it's hard to add to those bills....I just have to decide which is harder - dealing with being exhausted all the time or dealing with the medical bills.

I think I just answered my own question with the last statement. I know as soon as I get the right treatment for my fatigue issues I will feel like a new person and have more energy to do the things I NEED to do and become an active member of this family and life again.

It's been over 2 mo now that I've been eating better, juicing and making healthy choices for what I put into my body and the fatigue is not getting better or worse - it's just there, regular and steady - something I deal with as best I can! I go to bed at night by 9 or 10pm the latest and sleep until 6:30am - so it's not lack of sleep - it's lack of GOOD RESTFUL SLEEP. Which is because of the sleep apnea. It's a really hard disorder to explain and understand, but living with it I can tell you it's very difficult to live life when so tired all the time.

I guess I'll have to bite the bullet and just get it done - once on my way to better/refreshing sleep I'm sure everything else will work out. No sense in treating part of my health issues if the other half isn't being addressed and treated.

That's it for today - just had to work out my frustration which in the end has brought me to the answer of what I need to do ...... I hope you are all well!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's taken some time but I'm seeing results

I'm so excited today!! Why? Because I noticed that I have stopped losing wads of hair when I wash my hair and run my hands through it! This is a huge plus as that tells me that all the changes I've made in my lifestyle are making their impact in and outside of my body!

You see, I've been losing large amounts of hair for a while now - nobody seems to know why, medications - - maybe.....Chronic Illness - maybe...probably! Either way, today is the first day I've seen a noticable impact that the changes I've made are working - no hair in drain today, no hair on my hands after putting product actually made me stop in my tracks to take notice!!

Hair loss of course is normal, but the amount I have been use to losing has been more than normal - maybe this means I'll start seeing my thick hair again! Either way I'm thrilled that it appears to be done coming out in huge clumps......

My fatigue is still somewhat of an issue however I have noticed that I'm not as tired as I historically have been - and I'm completely off the medication I've been on for well over 4 yrs now that was specifically prescribed to help me with energy.....everything is headed in the right direction, it's just taking time as one would expect.

That's about all I have to share today - just wanted to post real quick about this significant change in my body! Along with that I've lost 6lbs and am continuing to juice daily.......