Sunday, January 23, 2011

A funny thing happened........

You aren't going to believe this.....

The other day (Monday) as I was pushing vegetables though my juicer one of them must of gotten stuck as it slowed down and then sped up again which isn't a normal occurance. So I finish up what I'm juicing and when I took it apart to clean, this is what I see:

The feed tube cracked at the bottom!! Bummed, YES! The part with the little wheel also is now coming out of the feed seems like it might of been able to come out prior to this and I just didn't realize it but I'm not sure - so I clean it up and it seems to be ok, the crack doesn't seem to effect it ... for now...but I'm a little concerned about pushing anything hard through there now.....

Oh yea, this thing came with a 2yr warranty - crap, I better register it! So I complete the process to register it and will give it a few days before I call in to see if they will replace the top part of the unit for me. I hope they will as it's not in my plans to go buy another juicer so quickly!

So moving onto to Wednesday I stopped into GNC to browse around and as I'm standing there looking at some supplements I hear another customer asking the sales clerk "How much is that juicer".....and as that conversation progresses I hear "oh it's on sale for $35.99...." ears perked up and I went to where they were talking - the juicer looked to be a nice one.......power was good - looked very similar to the one I have just not a "name brand" - so I think what the heck, for that price I'm getting it as a back up! LUCKY DAY FOR ME!

So I get the juicer and make my merry way on home with my super find. I love when I find things like that!

Of course when I got home I had to check it out - so I opened it up and made some juice in my new machine - it works nice, it's a bit different of a set up than my original one and as of now I'm not sure I REALLY like it, but it serves it's purpose until I can figure out what I'm going to be able to do about my original one.

Fast forward a few days to yesterday (Saturday)..............

I'm juicing away with the OLD juicer as it seems to be doing fine and as I am pushing some carrots through........I hear a big loud noise, like something shouldn't be in there! I stop my juicer and there it is..... that big chunk of plastic with the wheel on it finally broke loose during juicing.......opps - it's from the bottom of the feed tube - ut oh.......are you serious?? WTF?!?

So I take it apart, clean it and it seems to have broken a little further - now I REALLY need to call the customer service line and see what they'll do. That's my plan for today...wish me luck with that! I'm hoping, at the very least, they will replace the top section of the juicer and that will be that - but nothing is ever that easy so we'll see if luck is on my side!

On another note.......I did a salt water flush on Tuesday.....that was interesting.....if you ever do one of those - please make sure you pay attention to the cautions given and STAY HOME! You'll be thankful to be very close to your toilet for a while! One of the side effects is a headache due to all the toxins leaving your body - as stated, I did end up getting a headache the following day which has pretty much stayed with me since - so I'm not sure what's up with that but I'm trying to just plug along taking ibuprofen but this waking up with a pounding head is no fun...hopefully it'll be gone soon as the flush was several days ago and I THINK I shouldn't be still releasing toxins but who knows. At any rate, if you have never done a salt water flush - here is a link about it - it's pretty simple and effective to clean out your digestive tract.......

I know in a previous post I had said something about cleaning out my "medicine cabinet" - that's on the plans for this morning - I'm getting ready to go take care of that's a pretty scary looking cabinet as you'll see in my next post either later today or tomorrow........until then have a GREAT day!

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