Monday, January 3, 2011

It's a New Year with tons of hope for the future

Well here we are! 2011!! WOW - I'm sure we have all made some "resolutions" - I try not to make "resolutions" as that tends to only lead me to fail - however I do try to make new promises to myself - it's just how I like to look at it and I do feel that with a promise to myself I am more apt to keep it and not let myself down. I know, it's the same thing just worded differently :)

In my last update I had mentioned the pending sleep study - well after I posted that things changed. We had a snow storm come through the area and due to the amount of snow I wasn't able to go. Being that my insurance deductible has now started over I am going to try to work towards finding a way to combat my chronic fatigue using exercise, weight loss and healthy eating choices. We'll see how far I get with that but for now I am confident there are other ways to deal with it other than using that apnea machine and/or medications.

I am currently dealing with some excruciating pain in my right shoulder/arm/hand every morning that is really very frustrating. I have been waking up for several months now with my fingers (index, middle and ring finger mainly) tingling and numb. Some days my pinky is included, some days the thumb but always those three fingers. More recently over the past few weeks a new pain has joined the party. I think it's a nerve issue as I can feel the pain go all the way up my arm into my shoulder where I do have quite a large knot (or two or three or four) but one in particular that when you rub it you can feel it roll - it's quite the party conversation piece. I do everything from get up against the wall with a tennis ball and roll it over the spot on my shoulder (around the curve in the scapula) to massage it, rotate my arm, scream, cry, roll around the floor, name it - anything I can try to do to ease the pain. It use to go away relatively quickly after I would get up and rub that spot but now it is taking a good hour up to 2 hrs for it to stop being tingly, numb and painful. I think a few chiropractor trips are in order to get things straightened out and possibly release whatever is causing this - of course it won't completely "fix" it but will at least give me some relief for the time being. Continual work on it is what is going to be needed and I guess as I can afford to pay those professionals who can help me I will (Chiropractor and massage)

I continue to juice with my new machine and have come up with some really good mixtures that even my kids are enjoying. I'm thrilled about this as they rarely eat vegetables or fruit for that matter so getting these things into their bodies makes me one happy mom. Glenn is also enjoying the fruit/vegetable combinations so it's a great thing that we have brought into our home. The cost of purchasing so many fruits/vegetables will be worth the benefits it gives us all over time.

Here is a really good juice recipe that even the pickiest of children will drink down willingly - I only know because my son is one of them and LOVED this one! We'll name it "Child's Choice"

1 orange
1 beet slice (about a quarter chunk of a med size beet, peeled)
2 red pears
2 large golden delicious green apples
50 red grapes
1/2 med size lemon
4 small/medium carrots

Push all through the juicer and enjoy! You can't taste the beet in this recipe as the sweet fruits will cover it up - beets should be used sparingly in any recipe as they tend to not be liked by many people but are very good for you.

Today is a great day - kids are back in school and it's time to get life back on track after the 2 wk holiday break. It's been a bit slow going this morning with the 20 degree weather, pain and all but it's time to pick up and get the day under way - lots to do including taking down the Christmas tree, putting away the ornaments, grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry - the list is so big, hopefully it'll all get done today......wish me luck!


  1. Gerri I love that you are blogging about your health frustrations. I too have thought about it. Have you ever been tested for Celiac Disease? I too suffer from sleep issues, chronic fatigue, and occasional numbness in my fingers, chronic headaches just to name a few... The deprivation of nutrients over many years will start to cause neuropathy, anemia, hair loss...there is a ton of info out there on it and a simple blood test can confirm it. Some people are stubborn and a takes a biopsy of the small intestine but you could start small...something to think about...

  2. Hey girl thanks for following my blog! I'm hoping that this journey to get this all figured out and under control will also help others out there who have similar issues. Prior to my diagnosis my Dr did a full blood work up and that should of been included - all test were NEGATIVE as I predicted they would be. I am currently on the course to change my eating habits, as you know I've started with juicing. Glenn says he can already see a huge difference in me. I will have to look into Celiac as well as that's something I haven't really looked into but several people have made mention of. One baby step at a time xoxo

  3. Sister, what a way to make lemonade out of lemons! Or, er, make delicious healthful smoothies out of fruits and veggies! Quitting smoking and a change of diet-- girlfriend, i like where this is going!! I'm really hopeful your new diet and exercise will help you feel better than ever. And, of course, I'm super happy that Glenn and the kids are taking advantage of all the fresh goodies on hand. Good health is a gift we give ourselves-- and all the other people around who love us. And i love you!

  4. By the way, whatchu talkin bout??--- beets are super sweet and yummy. One of my favorites! Plus, they make your poo look bloody , so its kinda freaky and fun. Love you!

  5. Hey Gerri .. this has totally surprised me. I wish you good luck on solving the mysteries. A dear friend of mine has suffered for over 30 years with chronic fatigue immunity dysfunction, fibromyalgia, and various other issues. Don't know if this will be of help, but she recently had a scratch test done for food allergies. The results were staggering. Out of 70+ tests, she was allergic in varying degrees to almost 60 of them! She changed her diet and immediately saw a major difference. We can discuss this more later if you like.

  6. Gerri- Yes, definately baby steps... I would make 100% sure next time you go in because with the symptoms you are having less the gastrointestinal problems it may have not been added. Because most drs don't think about it. It took me 10yrs to get tested but it wasn't because my dr. suggested it. I have had celiac since I was a child. I told him because of my diet I was on and the change I noticed. I would definately look into it what could it hurt. If I was you I would maybe try a gluten free diet for a month and see if you notice a change. Being 100% GF is a job in itself. If you need anything let me know I am a wealth of knowledge on the subject :)
