Saturday, August 25, 2012

"NORMAL" again - seriously?

I wanted to update about my Dr visit with the new endo and the test results - apparently they are so normal that she doesn't feel any kind of thyroid hormone is necessary.  I guess that is "good" news?  But really with all my symptoms that scream "HYPOTHYROIDISM" I'm a bit disappointed in the results.

I know that probably sounds crazy and weird to the average person reading this but if you can, just for a moment, try to understand how it would feel if you knew in your heart that something just isn't right, and to always have "normal" test results yet you have every symptom of certain conditions - you would be frustrated too.  I guess it just means I go back to researching possible reasons why and that means back to the drawing board!  I don't know if there is even anything out there left to uncover, but if there is, I will certainly uncover it.

I'm still determined to find the answers, more answers..... but am wondering if I ever will?  Am I just stuck in this body of aches, pains, fatigue and exhaustion with temporary relief that will never be permanent?  It's depressing at the least to think that life will forever be like this but I have to forge forward and know that there are always new discoveries and that I will stumble on something that gives me the answers I seek.  It's a very long journey to finding my health and I'm realizing more and more everyday that it's not a quick fix, it's not something that will just happen and that it is something that I have to work on everyday, every minute and every second that I can.

I often wish I was, just for a day, the "normal" person that my blood shows I am...the "normal" person who doesn't have to take extra precaution in what they eat, what they do and how they do it, the "normal" person that can sleep for 8 hours and feel great, the "normal" person who can be active all day and feel great for it, the "normal" person who never gets a migraine or a headache for no reason, the "normal" person who doesn't have to plan everything they do in order to make sure they don't aggravate their body into an episode of pain that will last for who knows how long, the "normal" person that just feels good, all the time...........enough for wishing, I'm not that person anymore and have to accept that most likely I never will be again.

Instead I will accept that the path I'm on (as best as I can, at times it's really hard) is the path I'm suppose to be on, the path that God has given me.  Maybe I'm suppose to teach others how to cope with the illness they have, maybe I'm suppose to help those who come into contact with me on how to make themselves feel better, maybe, just maybe I've been given the cards I've been given to help me learn how to be more empathetic and sympathetic to those even less fortunate.  I don't know the "why's" but I do know that I need to continue to search for anything and everything I can find to try to find the "why's" if they are out there.

Until next time, may you have pain free days and nights and peace in your heart


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Getting things back to normal

Hello friends!!  I know it's been several weeks since I last updated but I'm still here!  It's starting to cool down here in Colorado, our fall weather is starting to come into play with cool mornings.  While it's still heating up in the afternoons, we are loving the cooler mornings and evenings.  It won't be long now before the snow starts to creep in.  We usually get snow by Oct 31st, which seems far away however it will be here before we know it!

School has started back up for the kids in our area.  Last week was the first week.  Now that the kids are out of the house for the day I can actually get some things done and not have to be interrupted every 10 minutes to break up a fight or help one of them with something urgent.  Everything is always URGENT to an 11y/o and 13 y/o don't you know!

I'm still feeling good.  Keeping my routine relatively the same helps.  As usual, with the cooler weather comes a few aches and pains but overall nothing new to report.  I'm exercising and really working on losing some of this extra weight I've accumulated over the past couple years.

I recently read an article that talked about FMS being a nutrient disorder - I found it very interesting because I know for me, once I got all my nutrients back to the correct levels they should be at I felt so much better.  It took a good year but along the way small changes were very clear.  If you recall in my last entry I listed the differences over a year and all my nutrient deficiencies are cleared up and a lot of my symptoms are minimal now too - I like to say they are in "remission" as I know I'm not cured, I'm just healing my body with the things I'm doing and healing is coming from the cell level.

I saw a new endocrinologist last week.  My thryoid still has some nice size nodules on it however nothing to worry about as far as we can tell.  She had some blood drawn to check my Vitamin D levels again as well as my thyroid function.  Even though my #'s have historically come back "normal" she thinks my easy weight gain and lack of ability to lose it has a lot to do with my thyroid - UM HELLO I think I've been saying this for the past 5 yrs to my other Dr, hence why I have a new one!  Once those blood tests come back she'll decide if I need a thyroid hormone to help combat what we believe to be HYOPTHYROIDISM.  She said I have almost every single symtom that would point to it regardless of what the blood work states - she said sometimes you can still have normal #'s and have the condition.  I'm thrilled to finally have a Dr that is willing to listen to me vs just write off my concerns.  So those results are still pending.

I'm very proud of a recent accomplishment - On August 3rd I climbed my very first mountain which was 13, 400 ft!  I made it to the peak which I didn't think was going to happen!  It was a climb alright but I did it!!  I was struggling along the way but no way was I giving up!  It was a GREAT feeling to sit on the top and know that I DID IT!  I was with my husband and daughter and another family that we went with.  We started out at 7am and by the time we were totally done I think it was close to 2pm.  It was a great feeling and I can't wait to climb another one.  I was hurting later in the evening and the next day but it was good pain, muscle pain from all the hiking and walking.  Believe me when I say if I can do this ANYONE can!! Just takes some determination!

I hope you are all doing well - You'll notice to the right side of my page I have added a new button - it's to a fibro bloggers directory.  I just found it and think it's a great resource to find more people who blog about their condition - if someone out there is able to help, then more power to everyone!  I know that's why I started mine and hope that I've been able to give some insight to others about what has worked to help me feel better.  With Fibro, CFS and Lupus it always seems to be one thing or another that I'm dealing with but I'm so glad that I'm continuing to feeling good and finding that I'm able to do more and more in my life again.

Until next time!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

I'm so happy to report........and share......

A year ago I had my first nutrient blood test that came back showing some pretty severe deficiencies in my nutrient levels. I just had the test done a second time and the changes are amazing! I am so happy to report that I'm only slightly deficient in 1 antioxidant this time around and all my other levels have risen significantly. Below you'll see the difference a year has made in my health just by taking some specific supplements to aid in my healing from the inside.

Date of Collection - 6/29/11
Deficiencies detected against reference ranges:

Nutrient                       % control         % ref. Range
Glutamine                           34                        <37%
Fructose Sensitive               34                        <34%
Glutathione                         35                        >42%
CO Q10                              84                        <86%
Selenium                             71                        >74%
Vit E (A-tocopherol)           82                        >84%
Alpha Lipoic Acid              76                         >81%

Total Antioxidant Fucntion 37                      >65%

Date of Collection - 6/13/12
Deficiencies detected against reference ranges

Nutrient                        % Control             % ref. Range
Selenium                             72                          >74

Total Antioxidant Function NOW     65     >40%

Difference a year has made:

Nutrient             % control then vs now
Glutamine                              34   to  56
Fructose Sensitivity                34   to  52
Glutathione                            34   to  44
CO Q 10                                84   to  89
Selenium                                71   to  72 (Still low)
Vit E (A-tocopherol)              82   to  89
Alpha Lipoic Acid                 76    to  87

As you can see by all the numbers above, my levels have all risen where they needed to - not only that, my levels have also gotten better in the following areas:

Vitamin B1 - was 87 now 99
Vitamin B2 - was 63 now 80
Vitamin B3 - was 84 now 99
Vitamin B12 - was 87 now 99

All in all it's clear to me that the proper nutrients within your body will create the proper atmosphere for your health to correct itself.  Over the past year I have only continually felt better than I have in the past.  While I still have my days that I don't feel 100% I am slowly but surely getting my life back from Fibromyalgia and CFS.  While I know I will always have it as an underlying condition that can, at anytime flare up..I am pretty confident with my vigilant research and attention to how I feel I will have many more BETTER days than not!

My wish to everyone who has any kind of long term chronic condition is that you too will seek the answers that are out there for you.  I personally have spent countless hours reading literature and testing different theories while also seeking the proper medical care (both traditional and non traditional) to find what works best.  It's been proven that chiropractic care, acupuncture and massage combined are the best treatments one with fibromyalgia can get.  Avoiding the prescriptions and taking a more natural route will only benefit you in the long run.

I heard today that our local in patient drug rehabs are turning people away as they are full and have no place to put people who need help - those people who have been given prescriptions to narcotics for pain and conditions that more than likely could be helped with chiropractic care.  Now we have created a situation of getting people addicted to drugs and not having anyplace to help them.  It's very sad.

Friends, my final thought for you today is to take care of your body both on the inside and out. Be careful how you approach your health concerns and take time to find out what works for you.  When you get ill, there is more than one way to get better.  So many times we head straight to the MD who will in turn prescribe you a medication that may or may not make you better.  I dread to think where I could be today had I not taken my healthcare into my own hands and fought for my life.  Had I not looked into alternative healthcare I can almost guarantee I would still be in bed barely able to function and more than likely addicted to pain killers.  Because of my persistence I am almost back to the healthy woman I was once before.  I think it's important for everyone to know they have choices in their healthcare and what they put into their bodies.

I'm here to help anyone I can - please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions for me!  I'm a shining example of what one person can accomplish when they are determined to find answers.......

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I'm inspired to share today

I hope this finds you well and enjoying the summer so far. It's getting hot here in Colorado and I'm thankful for that thing we call "air conditioning" as without it I think I would wither away.

I have been so busy lately and I do apologize for not updating sooner.

I've been continuing to do pretty well. With the exception of a few days here and there that I just can't function due to pure exhaustion from my CFS. It's a harsh reminder that I have this condition when I have a flare up but also makes me appreciate the days that I can get up and enjoy living.

If you haven't heard of this film that was released in 2011 I highly recommend you check it out. Voices from the Shadows is a documentary that depicts this condition very clearly and very honestly from the most severe of patients. It really made me thankful for my "remission" and is a reminder of just how bad this condition can attack people. It's so scary to know that for the most part, the medical community has no clue, some have no interest in helping and write it off as a mental condition. If you suffer from it, you know otherwise.

Voices From The Shadows

I recently started a new business venture creating novelty shirts for sports fanatics. It actually came about by accident if you will - I was trying to find a shirt for myself for Volleyball as my daughter plays and I wanted a shirt to support the sport. Once I started looking it was very clear that nothing existed other than online and the prices weren't too favorable. So after a lot of research and thinking about it "ROCK YOUR VOLLEYBALL" was born. Almost immediately upon announcing this company it was very clear that not only those who love the sport of volleyball wanted what I am offering but everyone else for every other sport also wanted shirts. So came along "ROCK YOUR SPORTS" - the parent company of the volleyball shirt business.

I've been busy with this new venture and am going to only continue to be busy with it. Please visit me on facebook and check out all the designs being offered. Our website is still under construction so for now you can view our designs and if you find anything that you would like, please send a message and we'll get it taken care of!

I hope you are doing well and living life to it's fullest - anyone who suffers from a chronic condition knows that everyday that you feel well is a gift not to be taken for granted.

Much love and healthy vibes coming your way!

Come see Rock Your Sports on facebook!

Friday, April 27, 2012

It's been a while - I'm still here though!

I know it's been a while since I last posted so it's time for an update! First, I hope you are all doing fantastic and enjoying everyday that you are given.

I am happy to report that I'm continuing to feel more and more like the old me again and it feels great! Of course I have my moments and my days where I feel like crud but more and more I have better days which is really great!

I've got my "spunk" back and I can't tell you how great it really feels. Anyone who has gone from very ill, bedridden, feeling like there is no hope etc., to living life again can understand what it feels like to be back! Anyone who is still on the journey to find themselves again, keep it up, it's worth it in the end! And YOU WILL find yourself again if you do the things you need to do in order for that to happen. This condition is not going to fix itself without a fight from you! If you can go as natural as possible, that is the best way to go, it might be harder but it's better at the end of the day, no doubt!

So let me backtrack to January real quick - I finished my treatments with the Fibromyalgia Center just after the first of the year. My intentions and as the program is, I was to go on a maintenance schedule with them having an adjustment 1x a month, however they did some re-arranging of the practice and I wasn't able to get into see them as easily as I could before when I was in the program. I really honestly feel that they dropped the ball on my "after care" and I have yet to hear from them, not even a "how are you doing, do you need to come see us" call or anything. I tried to get an appointment with the Dr and the acupuncturist 4x but they put it on me to call each one to schedule since they weren't all in the same office anymore - same building just different offices....I was completely put off by that considering prior to them reorganizing I could call and schedule with both very easily. I'm a bit disappointed in that fact so about two weeks ago I set out to find myself a closer chiropractor who could help me with my fibromyalgia and keeping me on the right path to better health.

After having gone through the 1x a week program and combining Chiropractic care, acupuncture, massage and specific nutrients into my life it is obvious that this mixture REALLY WORKS to help people with this condition. It isn't an overnight fix by any means and will be an ongoing thing in order to stay on top of the condition and symptoms. And of course, most insurance companies don't cover those things which is so unfortunate because I think more people could get help if they could use their insurance for that help. It's sad to know that there are so many people out there who suffer and take heavy medications that either cover up the symptoms or in some cases make them worse off when natural and holistic care is truly the course to take in the long run. I 100% believe this for anyone who deals with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue as well as many other chronic health conditions. Heck, if more people would use chiropractic care, they would be healthier all around.

After visiting with several local Dr's I did go see one that my mom has seen. It turns out that he also has a massage therapist in the office and the Dr himself does acupuncture - SCORE! As I was sitting in his office waiting I also noticed he offers the Nutrient blood test that I had taken back in July with the other place - DOUBLE SCORE! I'm a beyond THRILLED that I went to see him because essentially I will be getting the exact same care I was getting at the other place and will be able to save a lot of time doing it! The new place I'm going is literally 10 minutes from my house vs an hour you can see why I'm so happy!

Yesterday I had my first adjustment with my new Dr - Dr Hatch and it was obvious I needed it bad! My hips up to my neck were way out and I'm off about 3/4 inch on the right side which is where I get my major hip pain. I'm confident that his care will be exactly what I need to stay on the right track. I'm scheduled to have an hour and a half massage on Monday with the massage therapist which makes me a happy camper - primarily because he couldn't adjust my neck it was so stiff and because I'm having such pain in my right shoulder and numbness in my hands again. So the massage will work on that and I'll also be getting the acupuncture work on that shoulder to work on eliminating those issues again.

Since I haven't had any of it since January I knew and could feel in my body that I was starting to backslide so I'm really thankful that it all worked out so good and that I took the initiative to go see my town there are literally about 20 or so chiropractors in the general area - but I don't think any of the others combine all these services in one place.

For now I'll be going to see him 1x a week just to get my body/mind/spirit back into a good place, then we'll go down to 1x every other week then eventually 1x a month.

Since I've been feeling so much better I've also been able to get my business up and going again. It's taken a few months to get the momentum going but it's going now and I'm thrilled I actually have the energy and desire to get out and do the parties.

My daughter has been playing volleyball since late last year and that has been keeping us busy as well. It's just really nice to be able to enjoy my kids, husband and friends again. It had been a long time since I could really say that I was excited about anything in my life because I felt so crappy all the time, morning, day, night, it just didn't matter - and when I did have business to tend to, more than not I had to give it away to someone else because I just didn't have it in me. All of that is behind me now though!

Someone recently asked me what would happen or what I would do if I got sick again - my response to them was "that isn't an option and it's not going to happen" - I think my response surprised them but I was/am very serious when I say that. I've learned how to listen to my body and know that as long as I do that and do the things I need to take care of myself that I won't be laid out like I was when this all first started back at the mid of 2010. And, if I have any power to avoid being THAT SICK again, I will avoid it with all I've got!

For anyone who is reading this who is in the thick of being ill with this or any other chronic condition, please feel free to contact me if you like. My blog has always been dedicated to helping others find a way to feel better - please browse my past postings and the links I've provided for you - for an entire year, all I did was research and find information - and I believe that is why I'm where I am today - because I was determined to get my life took a little time but again, I am living proof that if you want it bad enough, you'll get there!

To your health and happiness friends! And please remember, if you don't take your health into your own hands and do something about it, nobody else will!

Monday, February 6, 2012

An Open Letter

Having Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (AKA CFS) and Fibromyalgia (AKA Fibro or FMS) means many things change, and a lot of them are invisible. Unlike AIDS and Cancer, most people do not understand even a little about CFS or FMS and their effects, and of those that think they know, many are actually mis-informed. In the spirit of informing those who wish to understand..........................................................

These are the things that I would like you to understand about me before you judge me or decide that I'm just lazy..........

Please understand that being sick doesn’t mean I’m not still a human being. Sometimes I have to spend most of my day flat on my back in bed and I might not seem like great company, but I’m still me stuck inside this body. I still worry about work and my family and friends, and most of the time I’d still like to hear you talk about yours too.

Please understand the difference between “happy” and “healthy”. When you’ve got the flu you probably feel miserable with it, but I’ve been sick for years. I can’t be miserable all the time, in fact I work hard at not being miserable. So if you’re talking to me and I sound happy, it means I’m happy. That’s all. I may be tired. I may be in pain. I may be sicker that ever. Please, don’t say, “Oh, you’re sounding better!”. I am not sounding better, I am sounding happy. If you want to comment on that, you’re welcome.

Please understand that being able to stand up for five minutes, doesn’t necessarily mean that I can stand up for ten minutes, or an hour. It’s quite likely that doing that five minutes has exhausted my resources and I’ll need to recover – imagine an athlete after a race. They couldn’t repeat that feat right away either. With a lot of diseases you’re either paralyzed or you can move. With this one it gets more confusing.

Please repeat the above paragraph substituting, “sitting up”, “walking”, “thinking”, “being sociable” and so on … it applies to everything. That’s what a fatigue-based illness does to you.

Please understand that chronic illnesses are variable. It’s quite possible (for me, it’s very common) that one day I am able to walk to the park and back, do Zumba and play with the kids while the next day I’ll have trouble getting to the kitchen. Please don’t attack me when I’m ill by saying, “But you did it before!”. If you want me to do something, ask if I can and I’ll tell you. In a similar vein, I may need to cancel an invitation at the last minute, if this happens please don’t take it personally.

Please understand that “getting out and doing things” does not make me feel better, and can often make me seriously worse. CFS and/or FMS may cause secondary depression (wouldn’t you get depressed if you were stuck in bed for years on end!?) but it is not caused by depression. Telling me that I need some fresh air and exercise is not appreciated and not correct – if I could do it, believe me I would.

Please understand that if I say I have to sit down/lie down/take these pills now, that I do have to do it right now – it can’t be put off or forgotten just because I’m doing something. CFS and/or FMS does not forgive.

Please understand that I can’t spend all of my energy trying to get well. With a short-term illness like the flu, you can afford to put life on hold for a week or two while you get well. But part of having a chronic illness is coming to the realization that you have to spend some energy on having a life now. This doesn’t mean I’m not trying to get better. It doesn’t mean I’ve given up. It’s just how life is when you’re dealing with a chronic illness.

If you want to suggest a cure to me, please don’t. It’s not because I don’t appreciate the thought, and it’s not because I don’t want to get well. It’s because I have had almost every single one of my friends suggest one at one point or another. At first I tried them all, but then I realized that I was using up so much energy trying things that I was making myself sicker, not better. If there was something that cured, or even helped, all people with CFS and/or Fibro then we’d know about it. This is not a drug-company conspiracy, there is worldwide networking (both on and off the Internet) between people with CFS and Fibro, if something worked for everyone we would KNOW.

If after reading that, you still want to suggest a cure, then do it, preferably in writing, but don’t expect me to rush out and try it. If I haven’t had it suggested before, I’ll take what you said and discuss it with my doctor. He’s open to new suggestions and is a great guy, and he takes what I say seriously.

Please understand that getting better from an illness like this can be very slow. People with CFS and/or FMS have so many systems in their bodies out of equilibrium, and functioning wrongly, that it may take a long time to sort everything out.

I depend on you – people who are not sick – for many things.

But most importantly............................................................
.....................................................I need you to understand me.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year........New Diagnosis

Well it's been about 6 weeks since I've updated and I do apologize - I can say that the holidays were crazy busy here and that I made it through without any major problems!

I am feeling good as I come on the end of my treatments. The acupuncture really has made a difference over time as has the Chiropractic care. I highly recommend those of you with Fibromyalgia investigate your options for Chiropractic adjustments and acupuncture treatments, it has made a huge difference in how I feel overall. I do believe with regular adjustments your body can function optimally.

Last week I had another ANA profile done (this is the blood test they use to determine if you have Lupus) and it came back positive. I asked to have it done again because one symptom that I have is the classic facial rash. It's been a year since the last one was done that came back negative. I do know that test can be negative once then positive another time and I think it has to do with the remission status of the illness.

Funny thing, Lupus has many if not all of the same symptoms as Fibromyalgia - the biggest difference is it also can effect your skin and other organs as it progresses. The treatment in most cases is along the same lines of what I've already been doing so I'm not anticipating any changes in that area. There are a few medications that can also be used but I'm not looking to add more medications to my body. So at this point we just watch and see what happens.

Other than that, I'm doing quite well. I've started exercising using Zumba and do enjoy it because I can go as mild or as intense as I feel I can. Starting off slow is key to not overdoing it so it's perfect for me. I figure as long as I'm moving and grooving it can't hurt and can only help me in the long run. You know everyone says exercise will make you feel better.

I also have started the year off doing a kidney and liver main goal with this cleanse is to clean out the heavy medications I had taken and been given for my surgery in November. It's a mild 2 day cleanse that doesn't make you stay close to the bathroom which is nice.

I'm looking forward to a super successful year this year all around - business, health and personal. I'm definitely on the right path and am looking forward to how things unfold for our family. As long as my health stays on the up and up there is no reason we can't get back to normal around here with my getting back to my parties and back on top of life in general.

Happy New Year to you all and as usual, as things continue to unfold with my newest diagnosis, I will fill you in here!
