I've been feeling ok but not optimal. I'm having pain in my hips again, which was the original thing that started me on the road to get a diagnosis of FMS. I've also been fighting getting sick, which right now has me home under the weather.
Both my kids have also been fighting health this month. Days out of school due to not feeling well add up for sure and effect them where school is concerned. It's so hard to catch up after being out a day or two.
Hopefully February and beyond will bring better health for the family.
We do have a big trip planned in March that we are all looking forward to. We are going on a cruise and can't wait! This will be the first for my kids (15 and 13) and the first for my husband and I since our honeymoon 20 yrs ago. So as you can see, it's a trip that we are all looking forward to - very much! We will be cruising to Jamaica, Grand Caymen and Cozumel over 7 days. It's going to be great! I just wish I was 30lbs lighter for it!
Speaking of my weight, oh what a terrible time I've had trying to lose it! I honestly believe it's because my thyroid isn't functioning correctly. I do have an appt with my endo this month to check it. Not sure if I've ever mentioned this but I have several large "goiters" consuming my thyroid. Every time I've had it checked the tests come back "normal" which I don't trust one bit. I am going to try to get my Dr to put me on a hypothyroid medication this time to see if it helps any of my "symptoms" that I think are totally related to my thyroid. The symptoms for Hypothyroidism are listed below and the ones I have are highlighted in Yellow:
- Fatigue
- Increased sensitivity to cold
- Constipation
- Dry skin
- Unexplained weight gain
- Puffy face
- Hoarseness
- Muscle weakness
- Elevated blood cholesterol level
- Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness
- Pain, stiffness or swelling in your joints
- Heavier than normal or irregular menstrual periods
- Thinning hair
- Slowed heart rate
- Depression
- Impaired memory
You would think when a patient has 11 out of 16 symptoms the Dr would look at that in addition to the blood work. We'll see! I will definitely update once I see her in Feb.
Of course, a lot of these symptoms also go hand in hand with FMS and CFS - at this point, who knows what's what?!?
What I do know is that I would love to have energy, feel good and lose the weight I've put on. I feel like I do all the "right" things to lose weight but nothing happens. The only thing I don't do is exercise due to my fatigue and lack of energy to get out and do it! I keep telling myself "tomorrow" but tomorrow comes and goes without the exercise. It's a vicious cycle I live in.
So this month has been full of ups and downs in my health and the health of my family. I'm hoping February brings us all many more good than bad days.
Volleyball has started up and we have games almost every weekend. We love watching my daughter play so I look forward to those long days in the gym.
That's all for now, until next time......to your health!